Paolo Perrotta has fifteen years of experience as a developer, ranging from embedded to enterprise software, computer games, and web applications. Paolo lives a nomadic life, mentoring agile teams throughout Europe. He has a base camp in Bologna, Italy. He loves Ruby.
Dig under the surface and explore Ruby’s most advanced feature: a collection of techniques and tricks known as metaprogramming. In this book, you’ll learn metaprogramming as an essential component of Ruby and discover the deep, non-obvious details of the language. Once you understand the tenets of Ruby, including the object model, scopes, and singleton classes, you’re on your way to applying metaprogramming both in your daily work assignments and in your fun, after-hours projects.
Metaprogramming Ruby, Second Edition makes mastering the language enjoyable. The book is packed with:
Pragmatic examples of metaprogramming in action, many of which come straight from real-life gems such as Rails.
Programming challenges that let you experiment and play with some of the most out-there metaprogramming concepts.
Metaprogramming “spells”—33 practical recipes and idioms that you can study and apply right now, to write code that is sure to impress.
This completely revised new edition covers the new features in Ruby 2.0 and 2.1, and contains code from the latest Ruby libraries, including Rails 4. Most examples are new, “from the wild,” with more recent libraries. And the book reflects current ideas of when and how much metaprogramming you should use.
Whether you’re a Ruby apprentice on the path to mastering the language or a Ruby wiz in search of new tips, this book is for you.
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剛讀完這本書,欣喜之情溢於言錶。 薄薄的一本書,把ruby對象模型、以及圍繞此核心而來的各種高級技巧都講透瞭,原理講瞭不說,還外帶把現實中的應用也一並列舉瞭齣來,讓你不懂都不行:) 我喜歡這本書,不管你是初級入門還是中高級ruby程序員,此書都必須一讀!注意不是值...
評分讀完這本書覺得,什麼是元編程?就是一些更強大、更靈活的技巧的集閤。 跟著書中的 Bill 大師去思考,試著解決每一個問題。你會發現這裏所展示的方法、技巧,就恰好是解決問題最精巧、最舒服的方式。雖然這個過程會不斷的讓人豁然開朗和驚嘆,但又覺得一切都好像是自然而然的...
評分這本書真的很有趣。通過一個編程老手帶著一個菜鳥用元編程的技術重構代碼,展示瞭元編程的實際應用場景。同時也不失時機的指齣瞭一些坑。用會話的方式,來增加親切感,這種組織方式,在編程書中並不少見。重點是作者的文采真的很好,顯得很有靈性,下麵摘抄一段(來自4.3.1 小...
評分看瞭兩遍以後 你會發現 看牛人的Code沒那麼難懂瞭~ 這是最明顯的體現 其實我建議的是一開始的時候 就一邊學一邊練習 任何一個看不懂的技術點 都不要放過 其實打開irb 沉下心 慢慢看 沒有看不懂的章節。 補充一句:我上一次挑燈夜讀 手不釋捲的讀一本書是2010年春夏交接的事...
評分什麼叫“元”編程?我的理解就是“編程的編程”。如果你覺得陌生,那麼就想想有人第一次告訴你還存在“類型的類型”這個東西。 這本書講的都是ruby的高級特性。在看之前我其實隻有python的經驗,對ruby並不熟悉,但我還是在這本書中看到瞭許多和python相通的東西。 在這本書...
圖書標籤: Ruby Metaprogramming ruby Programming 編程語言 元編程 編程 程序設計
Ruby 神書
評分深入瞭解 Ruby 元編程技術。
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