"No matter how many going-to-school books you already have, don't miss out on this one." -- SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL (starred review) It's the first day of school, and Baby Duck's stomach is all jitters. What if her teacher is mean? What if she won't have any fun? Or make any friends? And who will buckle her new school shoes? Luckily, Grampa knows just what to say and do to make Baby Duck feel better. And when Baby Duck meets her teacher and makes a new friend, she feels much, much braver. Both parents and children will welcome this winsome tale of Baby Duck, whose fears and victories on the first day of school are sure to elicit smiles of recognition.
Off to School, Baby Duck! 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Off to School, Baby Duck! 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載