"The True Story of a Big-Hearted Bear" is a factual story of a mother grizzly bear named Baylee, her three cubs, and a two-year-old grizzly who Baylee adopts into their family. Grizzly bears are extremely protective of their young and generally do not tolerate other bears. However, Baylee raised her adopted son, Emmett, along with her three cubs until he was ready to live on his own. What happens next in the wilds of Alaska reveals that just like people, every grizzly bear is a little different from every other one, each with its own personality. The story is told with words and photographs exactly as it happened. The authors pledge to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book to Vital Ground. Vital Ground, a non-profit conservation organization, works with private landowners to protect essential habitat in the last ecosystems where grizzlies roam. Together with its many partners, the group has helped conserve more than a quarter of a million acres in Alaska and the heart of the Rocky Mountains. For more information visit www.vitalground.org.
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