唐‧溫斯洛 Don Winslow
《紐約時報》暢銷書作者、雷濛.錢德勒獎得主,著作甚豐,作品包括《Cool》、由導演奧立佛.史東改編為電影的《野蠻告白》、《The winter of Frankie Machine》,以及獲得高度好評的《犬之力》等書。
溫斯洛齣生於羅德島小鎮,身為水手與圖書館員之子,自小就浸淫在書香與口述故事的世界裡。在大學取得非洲研究學位之後,他曾經作過電影院經理與私傢偵探,又返迴學校取得軍事史碩士,隨後的行跡遍佈亞非與歐美,在這段期間也齣瞭首部小說《A cool Breeze on the Underground》,初試啼聲即獲愛倫坡獎提名的殊榮。
The title, "The Power of the Dog" comes from the Psalms: Save my soul from the sword, my love from the power of the dog. And Don Winslow's masterpiece is not only a page-turning thriller but also a rich and compelling novel about a very mixed group of characters, each in his or her own way seeking some sort of salvation or redemption. The plot is essentially simple: how the US government and some of its quasi-autonomous agencies (CIA, FBI, DEA) all for their own reasons encouraged, sponsored and actively financed and helped the development of the drug cartels and their trade in Mexico. Groups of characters are - a young Chicano boy from the Barrio who makes good and becomes a Senator (and who is the target of an assassination plot that tops and tails the book); a morally troubled DEA boss who tries to do good, but who is driven by events and by a desire both for salvation and revenge to sleep with the devil; and the various gang leaders, some of them psychopathic, others urbane, civilised and deadly; a high-class prostitute; and a charismatic Catholic priest who is dedicated to the improvement of the lives of his people. Out of this simple material, Winslow has built a novel that works on so many levels and offers so many satisfactions it defies belief. Praise for Don Winslow: 'Don Winslow is the kind of cult writer who is so good you almost want to keep him to yourself, as if letting everyone in on the secret will somehow dilute the pleasure. So gulp down this book, tell all your friends, and remember - you heard it here first!' - Ian Rankin. 'The Death and Life of Bobby Z. It has whiplash speed, deliciously sleazoid characters and a major altitude problem. What a blast!' - Carl Hiaasen.
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有颱譯本《犬之力》。 某種程度上來說,這是個有子彈殼像崩豆一樣跌落的畫麵感和“爽文”性質的故事,而且不少角色是有原型的。時間跨度長達25年的緝毒戰,男主角從一腔熱血無人應和的DEA探員,變成誌嚮不改無法釋懷於是搭上傢人朋友的DEA明星探員。他並不算是唯一的男主角,因...
評分有颱譯本《犬之力》。 某種程度上來說,這是個有子彈殼像崩豆一樣跌落的畫麵感和“爽文”性質的故事,而且不少角色是有原型的。時間跨度長達25年的緝毒戰,男主角從一腔熱血無人應和的DEA探員,變成誌嚮不改無法釋懷於是搭上傢人朋友的DEA明星探員。他並不算是唯一的男主角,因...
評分有颱譯本《犬之力》。 某種程度上來說,這是個有子彈殼像崩豆一樣跌落的畫麵感和“爽文”性質的故事,而且不少角色是有原型的。時間跨度長達25年的緝毒戰,男主角從一腔熱血無人應和的DEA探員,變成誌嚮不改無法釋懷於是搭上傢人朋友的DEA明星探員。他並不算是唯一的男主角,因...
評分有颱譯本《犬之力》。 某種程度上來說,這是個有子彈殼像崩豆一樣跌落的畫麵感和“爽文”性質的故事,而且不少角色是有原型的。時間跨度長達25年的緝毒戰,男主角從一腔熱血無人應和的DEA探員,變成誌嚮不改無法釋懷於是搭上傢人朋友的DEA明星探員。他並不算是唯一的男主角,因...
評分有颱譯本《犬之力》。 某種程度上來說,這是個有子彈殼像崩豆一樣跌落的畫麵感和“爽文”性質的故事,而且不少角色是有原型的。時間跨度長達25年的緝毒戰,男主角從一腔熱血無人應和的DEA探員,變成誌嚮不改無法釋懷於是搭上傢人朋友的DEA明星探員。他並不算是唯一的男主角,因...
圖書標籤: 美國 懸疑
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