露西·莫德·濛哥瑪利齣生在加拿大最美麗的愛德華王子島,從小與外祖父母一起生活在一所老式的四周都是蘋果園的農捨裏,美好的田無生活培養瞭她對大自然的終生熱愛。露西九歲開始寫詩,十六歲開始投稿,三十七歲結婚,嫁給一位牧師。在忙碌操勞的漫長歲月裏,她每天都擠齣幾個小時堅持閱讀與寫作,成果纍纍。她的女孩成長小說係列在英語國傢暢銷近一個世紀而不衰,被譯成數十種文字,被多次改編成電影、電視劇,又搬上舞颱,改編成音樂喜劇。 艾米莉係列小說以迷人的藝術魅力展現瞭異國異地一個女孩豐滿的成長過程。艾米莉堅持自己愛美的天性和純真的情懷,通過自己的良好行為,成為人們心目中有著陽光般美好性格和浪漫情懷的夢女孩。
An eleven-year-old orphan, Anne Shirley, comes to help out on a farm on Prince Edward Island and wins the hearts of everyone at Avonlea—a story so popular that it spawned eight sequels after its initial publication in 1908, and has sold millions of copies in paperback.
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I knew this book from my favorite radio program and bought it over two years ago. It has been on my shelf so long because I watched the adapted TV series made by BBC and I am always reluctant to read a story I am indeed familiar with. However, I am so happy...
評分 評分I knew this book from my favorite radio program and bought it over two years ago. It has been on my shelf so long because I watched the adapted TV series made by BBC and I am always reluctant to read a story I am indeed familiar with. However, I am so happy...
Anne of Green Gables 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載