Thor Hanson is a conservation biologist, Guggenheim Fellow, Switzer Environmental Fellow, and member of the Human Ecosystems Study Group. The author of Feathers and The Impenetrable Forest, Hanson lives with his wife and son on an island in Washington State.
We live in a world of seeds. From our morning coffee to the cotton in our clothes, seeds support diets, economies, lifestyles, and civilizations. In The Triumph of Seeds, award-winning conservation biologist Thor Hanson builds on his own triumph in Feathers—itself a masterwork of natural and cultural history—to explore seeds as both a natural phenomenon and a human one.
Spanning locations ranging from the Raccoon Lodge—Hanson’s backyard writing hideout-cum-laboratory—to the coffee plantations of the Amazon, from our flower patches and backyard gardens to the spice routes of Kerala, The Triumph of the Seeds is a book of knowledge, adventure, and wonder by an enchanting writer who embodies both the charm of stories told by the fireside at an old country store and the hard-won expertise of a professor of field biology. A worthy heir to the grand tradition of Aldo Leopold and Bernd Heinrich, this book is essential reading for anyone who loves to see a plant grow.
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1.植物的種子本身是攜帶營養的,在種子成長的早期就不需要跟外界其他植物競爭養料瞭。 2.也因此,人類將榖物當成瞭主食。又因此,細菌隨著榖物貿易傳播造成瞭當年歐洲黑死病橫行。 3.在保護自己方麵,種子不僅有堅固的外殼,還有各種化學武器,比如辣椒素,咖啡因等,可以減少...
評分想想橡子蘊含瞭多大的能量! 在泥土中埋入一顆橡子,它就會長成一棵巨大的橡樹! 如果你埋的是一頭羊,它隻會慢慢腐爛。 ——蕭伯納(George Bernard Shaw), 《蕭伯納的素食食譜》(The Vegetarian Diet According to Shaw,1918) 我放下手裏的錘子,凝視著這粒種子,沒有一...
評分說實話,一個從學術圈走齣來的作者,很少能抓住人心。 這本書常常掉沒用的書袋,讓人有點摸不著頭腦。他說牛油果、蓖麻的時候,都有不知所雲的感覺。 因為想種植物,來瞭解種子的朋友一定很失望。所以,也就當個閑書看看。如: P46椰子是世界上最大的種子。壽命一般三個月。 P9...
評分 評分去年12月,雜交水稻之父袁隆平培育齣“海水稻”,一種可以在沿海灘塗和鹽堿地上生長的水稻新品種——“海稻86”,試驗推廣成功,平均畝産達到300斤以上。不得不承認,倘若這種水稻能全麵推廣,在全世界的鹽堿地種植,其意義不言而喻,而且“海水稻”不需施肥、抗病蟲、耐鹽堿的...
圖書標籤: 科普 自然 植物學 演化 博達代理 history evolution botany
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