Mikhail Bulgakov (1891 - 1940) was born and educated in Kiev where he graduated as a doctor in 1916, but gave up the practice of medicine in 1920 to devote himself to literature. In 1925 he completed the satirical novella The Heart of a Dog, which remained unpublished in the Soviet Union until 1987. This was one of the many defeats he was to suffer at the hands of his censors. By 1930 Bulgakov had become so frustrated by the political atmosphere and the suppression of his works that he wrote to Stalin begging to be allowed to emigrate if he was not to be given the opportunity to make his living as a writer in the USSR. Stalin telephoned him personally and offered to arrange a job for him at the Moscow Arts Theatre instead. In 1938, a year before contracting a fatal illness, he completed his prose masterpiece, The Master and Margarita. He died in 1940. In 1966-7, thanks to the persistance of his widow, the novel made a first, incomplete, appearance in Moskva, and in 1973 appeared in full.
One of the great imaginative novels of the century, a fierce political satire, filled with the most dazzling surreal humour. The devil makes a personal appearance in Moscow accompanied by two demons, a naked girl and a huge black cat. When he leaves, the asylums are full and the forces of law and order in disarray. Only the Master, a man devoted to truth, and Margarita, the woman he loves, remain undiminished. The Master and Margarita is Bulgakov's last and most celebrated novel, completed in 1938 at the height of Stalin's purges and published for the first time in Russia in 1966.
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《大師與瑪格麗特》是布爾加科夫最著名的小說之一。昨夜一直看到淩晨兩點,加今天上午繼續埋頭,酣暢淋灕地讀完瞭它。 讀者這樣持久而強烈的興趣證實瞭作者的技巧。文本中嵌套文本,故事中嵌套故事……挑戰瞭讀者對於敘事綫索的接受能力。撒旦摺騰莫斯科的故事以及耶路撒冷彼...
評分這部小說的手法很奇特,有現實中的人,有魔鬼,有曆史中的人。他們在小說中相互交織,魔鬼可以來人間,人可以在天上飛可以參加撒旦的宴會,人可以醜陋無比,魔鬼可以淘氣可愛。小說中又包含小說,讓人眼花繚亂。小說有三條綫索: 1.魔王沃蘭德造訪莫斯科並且觀察這個莫斯科社...
評分|本文經作者餘華授權收錄在插圖珍藏版《大師和瑪格麗特》一書中,標題為編者修改。 一九三〇年三月二十八日,貧睏潦倒的布爾加科夫給斯大林寫瞭一封信,希望得到莫斯科藝術劇院一個助理導演的職位,“如果不能任命我為助理導演……”他說,“請求當個在編的普通配角演員;如果...
圖書標籤: Bulgakov 魔鬼 英文原版 愛情 奇幻 俄羅斯文學 pc推薦
評分特彆喜歡varenueka化身吸血鬼、margarita變身女巫參加舞會、和一切終瞭一行人騎著黑馬漫步天空的描寫,正是因為誇張所以栩栩如生。因為看的是英文版,感覺對各種暗示和隱喻還是似懂非懂。越讀越發現這本書不能以平常眼光看待,優雅又明理(那段you should never ask anyone for anything. They will make the offer and they will give of their own accord看得我很感動)的撒旦、多愁善感又意誌堅定的margarita,左右搖擺又形容枯槁的procurator,還有很多活躍的透露著市井氣的吃瓜群眾,故事看到後麵越來越能理清思路。唯一對書的不滿大概是尾聲部分有些拖遝,個人認為交代下Ivan的結局就夠瞭。
評分特彆喜歡varenueka化身吸血鬼、margarita變身女巫參加舞會、和一切終瞭一行人騎著黑馬漫步天空的描寫,正是因為誇張所以栩栩如生。因為看的是英文版,感覺對各種暗示和隱喻還是似懂非懂。越讀越發現這本書不能以平常眼光看待,優雅又明理(那段you should never ask anyone for anything. They will make the offer and they will give of their own accord看得我很感動)的撒旦、多愁善感又意誌堅定的margarita,左右搖擺又形容枯槁的procurator,還有很多活躍的透露著市井氣的吃瓜群眾,故事看到後麵越來越能理清思路。唯一對書的不滿大概是尾聲部分有些拖遝,個人認為交代下Ivan的結局就夠瞭。
評分特彆喜歡varenueka化身吸血鬼、margarita變身女巫參加舞會、和一切終瞭一行人騎著黑馬漫步天空的描寫,正是因為誇張所以栩栩如生。因為看的是英文版,感覺對各種暗示和隱喻還是似懂非懂。越讀越發現這本書不能以平常眼光看待,優雅又明理(那段you should never ask anyone for anything. They will make the offer and they will give of their own accord看得我很感動)的撒旦、多愁善感又意誌堅定的margarita,左右搖擺又形容枯槁的procurator,還有很多活躍的透露著市井氣的吃瓜群眾,故事看到後麵越來越能理清思路。唯一對書的不滿大概是尾聲部分有些拖遝,個人認為交代下Ivan的結局就夠瞭。
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