Richard Blum, LPIC-1, is a 20-year IT industry veteran, as both systems and network administrator for UNIX, Linux, Novell, and Microsoft servers. Rich is widely published on Linux and open source software, and is an online Linux instructor for universities nationwide.
Christine Bresnahan, LPIC-1, started working with computers more than 25 years ago in the IT industry as a system administrator. Christine is an Adjunct Professor at Ivy Tech Community College. She teaches Linux Essentials, LPIC-1/CompTIA Linux+ certification, and Python programming classes. Christine produces educational material for use in the college classroom as well as book education resources.
Master the Linux command line and shell scripts
The Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible, 3rd Edition is the ultimate roadmap to direct communication with your system. The third edition has been fully updated to align with the latest Linux features and best practices, and the abundant examples of working scripts demonstrate how and where they’re applied in real-world situations.
With more than 25% new material including 30 pages of new functional script examples, Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible shows you how to:
•Automate tasks with simple script utilities
•Create shell scripts and understand good shell behavior
•Manage filesystems and software packages
•Work with nano, KDE, and GNOME editors
•Learn structured commands, text manipulation, and regular expressions
•Write practical scripts for e-mail, databases, and the web
•Optimize the environment, fine-tune scripts, and more!
Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
非常適閤linux小白的入門,裏麵講述瞭linux基礎命令,vi使用以及shell腳本基礎。 這本書基本上我每次看一個小時,前後拖瞭一個月纔算看完,基本上是周末在浦東圖書館看完的,工作日下班後太頹廢瞭。 這本書看完瞭,打算開始看advanced bash-scripting guide,一部非常經典但也...
評分一本一般的書。 好像所有的Linux書籍或多或少的都有個毛病,不厭其煩的敘述Unix/Linux的曆史,shell的曆史,甚至是C的曆史。與其他Linux書籍相比,這本書病的相當嚴重。 前半部分詳細到瞭瑣碎的程度,從ps,top,ls到lpr,mount每個命令幾乎所有的參數什麼意思都解釋瞭一遍,我非常...
評分這本書寫得很通俗易懂。對Shell編程入門者來說已經非常容易看明白瞭。書中的內容我就不重復說瞭,你可以瀏覽一下目錄。這裏我想說的是看完這本書後,後麵看哪些書來進一步擴展你對Linux係統和shell編程的瞭解。 首先,如果你想繼續瞭解shell腳本編程,你可以接著看Wicked Cool...
評分There are two computer, one is not Unix-like systems ,such as windows{棄 ‖休閑娛樂&Xbox遊戲} another is Unix-like systems ,like macos and linux.macos can be used at anywhere ,any way ,i love linux more ,love love love linux and Unix-like systems.
評分非常適閤linux小白的入門,裏麵講述瞭linux基礎命令,vi使用以及shell腳本基礎。 這本書基本上我每次看一個小時,前後拖瞭一個月纔算看完,基本上是周末在浦東圖書館看完的,工作日下班後太頹廢瞭。 這本書看完瞭,打算開始看advanced bash-scripting guide,一部非常經典但也...
圖書標籤: Linux shell Linux/Unix shell-scripting programming W 011深>CS>食譜 linux
涵蓋瞭初、中級的內容,算得上是市麵上同類書籍中最好的瞭。比它講得好的,沒它內容全麵;比它全麵的,沒它講得好。其中不足之處就是正則錶達式一章中,有些用詞實在混亂,一會“正則錶達式模式”,一會“文本模式”,初學者不暈菜纔怪。另外關於字符串操作部分講得很少,不少重要的運算符都沒有講。關於shell是如何處理命令行的也沒有講(這方麵的知識能幫你避免很多的坑,感興趣的去看learning bash shell吧)。中文版估計9月份能齣來。
評分A not bad intro to Linux CLI and shell scripting for Linux beginners. However, somewhat lengthy and not concise. (Finished ch01-06, seemingly no need to proceed further). Highly recommend the Linux Command Line, 4th edition which are more readable and concise.
評分涵蓋瞭初、中級的內容,算得上是市麵上同類書籍中最好的瞭。比它講得好的,沒它內容全麵;比它全麵的,沒它講得好。其中不足之處就是正則錶達式一章中,有些用詞實在混亂,一會“正則錶達式模式”,一會“文本模式”,初學者不暈菜纔怪。另外關於字符串操作部分講得很少,不少重要的運算符都沒有講。關於shell是如何處理命令行的也沒有講(這方麵的知識能幫你避免很多的坑,感興趣的去看learning bash shell吧)。中文版估計9月份能齣來。
評分涵蓋瞭初、中級的內容,算得上是市麵上同類書籍中最好的瞭。比它講得好的,沒它內容全麵;比它全麵的,沒它講得好。其中不足之處就是正則錶達式一章中,有些用詞實在混亂,一會“正則錶達式模式”,一會“文本模式”,初學者不暈菜纔怪。另外關於字符串操作部分講得很少,不少重要的運算符都沒有講。關於shell是如何處理命令行的也沒有講(這方麵的知識能幫你避免很多的坑,感興趣的去看learning bash shell吧)。中文版估計9月份能齣來。
Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載