彼得·布雷特(Peter V. Brett) 自幼愛好奇幻故事,1995年在布法羅大學取得英國文學及藝術史學士學位,2005年開始從事奇幻創作。
他的處女作《魔印人》剛上市就榮登《紐約時報》暢銷書榜,先後獲得英國亞馬遜&美國圖書館協會年度最佳奇幻小說、2008年最轟動的奇幻新人作品、 2009年英倫奇幻奬最佳小說奬,並入圍首屆大衛·蓋梅爾傳奇大奬。截至2015年,他已創作齣版瞭魔印人係列共四捲,即《魔印人》《沙漠之矛》《白晝之戰》《骷髏王座》,第五捲《地心魔域》已經開始創作。魔印人係列已售齣二十多個國傢和地區的版權。電影《生化危機》團隊以高達一億美元買下該係列書的電影版權,將推齣媲美《魔戒》的3D奇幻大片。
作者個人網頁:www.peterVbrett.com封麵圖片畫師:Larry Rostant, 美國知名畫師,曾為美版冰與火之歌係列圖書封麵畫圖片。
魔印人 3 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
'Love you Renna Tanner.’ ‘Love you, Arlen Bales.’ The amount of times this is repeated in the book is frankly, quite outrageous. Once or twice is more than enough that they love each other, but instead it leads into a really corny romance of which all...
評分'Love you Renna Tanner.’ ‘Love you, Arlen Bales.’ The amount of times this is repeated in the book is frankly, quite outrageous. Once or twice is more than enough that they love each other, but instead it leads into a really corny romance of which all...
評分'Love you Renna Tanner.’ ‘Love you, Arlen Bales.’ The amount of times this is repeated in the book is frankly, quite outrageous. Once or twice is more than enough that they love each other, but instead it leads into a really corny romance of which all...
評分'Love you Renna Tanner.’ ‘Love you, Arlen Bales.’ The amount of times this is repeated in the book is frankly, quite outrageous. Once or twice is more than enough that they love each other, but instead it leads into a really corny romance of which all...
評分'Love you Renna Tanner.’ ‘Love you, Arlen Bales.’ The amount of times this is repeated in the book is frankly, quite outrageous. Once or twice is more than enough that they love each other, but instead it leads into a really corny romance of which all...
圖書標籤: 奇幻 魔印人 彼得·布雷特 西方奇幻 魔印人係列 歐美奇幻 美國 奇幻小說
魔印人 3 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載