"A very funny book... no character is minor:they're all hilarious." -- HoustonChronicle .
In The Road ToGandolfo , Robert Ludlum introduced us to theoutrageous General MacKenzie Hawkins and his legalwizard, Sam Devereaux, whose plot to kidnap thePope spun wildly out of control into sheer hilarity.Now Ludlum's two wayward heroes return with adiabolical scheme to right a very old wrong -- andwreak vengeance on the (expletive deleted) whodrummed the hawk out of the military. Their outragedopposition will be no less than the White House.Byzantine Treachery. Discovering a long-buried 1878treaty with an obscure Indian tribe, the hawk --a.k.a. Chief Thunder Head -- hatches a brilliant plotthat will ultimately bring him and his reluctantlawyer Sam before the Supreme Court. Their goal: toreclaim a choice piece of American real estate --the state of Nebraska. Which just happened to theheadquarters of the U.S. Strategic Air Command!Will they succeed against the powers that be? Willthe Wopotami tribe ever have their day in theSupreme Court? From the Oval Office to the Pentagon,all the president's men are outfitted, until itrests with CIA Director Vincent"Vinnie the Bam-Bam" Mangecavallo to cut Samand Hawk off at the pass. And only one thing iscertain: Robert Ludlum will keep us in nonstopsuspense and side-splitting laughter-through the verylast page.
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