阮 璽.1981年生於臺北,喜愛音樂、藝術與設計。2012 年起以手機進行攝影創作,現為「阮義忠攝影工作坊」經營人。作品曾刊登於《杭州都市報》、攝影雜誌《秘境》專文介紹,並於2015年一月下旬出版攝影集 《院喜.Happiness in a Courtyard》(黑文化出版)。
院喜 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 手机摄影 摄影 台灣 阮义忠之子 攝影集 写真 阮玺 生活
攝影最特別的地方,就是會表現出攝者與被攝者之間的微妙關係。本來毫無淵源,但在快門按下的那一剎那,就彷彿有了血緣。阮璽在街頭拍了許多擦身而過的人,他們的側身或背影傳達了與空間組成的一種特殊氛圍,故事性很強,彷彿是影像小說的極短篇;帶著令人莞爾的靈性,生動而喜氣,溫暖又令人回味。 ─── 攝影家 / 阮義忠
What makes photography special is that a photograph captures the moment a relationship begins between the photographer and his subject. They were unrelated, but become connected the moment the shutter is clicked. Juan Sea takes many pictures of passersby: their profile or back and the surrounding space create a unique ambiance and a narrative as compelling as a short film. He also loves taking pictures of animals, regardless of whether they are birds, dogs or cats. You smile at the warmth of their spirit and the picture’s vivid joyfulness lingers in your memory. ─── Juan I-Jong (Photographer)
院喜 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书