The American classic about a young girl's coming of age at the turn of the century. "A profoundly moving novel, and an honest and true one. It cuts right to the heart of life...If you miss "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" you will deny yourself a rich experience...It is a poignant and deeply understanding story of childhood and family relationships. The Nolans lived in the Williamsburg slums of Brooklyn from 1902 until 1919...Their daughter Francie and their son Neely knew more than their fair share of the privations and sufferings that are the lot of a great city's poor. Primarily this is Francie's book. She is a superb feat of characterization, an imaginative, alert, resourceful child. And Francie's growing up and beginnings of wisdom are the substance of "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn."" --"New York Times" "One of the most dearly beloved and one of the finest books of our day." --Orville Prescott "One of the books of the century."--New York Public Library
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有個紐約女孩對我說,兒時曾將這本書放在床頭,不忍釋捲。長大後收藏翻拍的電影,百看不厭。她說,我們並不一定非得一貧如洗纔能領會這個故事。 若用消極悲觀的觀點看,弗蘭西沒理由幸福快樂,傢境貧寒,祖輩是典型的新大陸移民,連著幾代人都得在白手起傢的美國夢中浮沉掙紮...
評分 評分一本好書,猶如一壇老酒,時間愈久愈醇香。《布魯剋林有棵樹》就是這樣的一本書。它在美國常銷六十多年,並被紐約公共圖書館選為“世紀之書”。 故事發生在一戰前的布魯剋林,圍繞著諾蘭一傢的生活點滴而展開。布魯剋林曾被視為混亂、骯髒、罪惡的原住地。這裏聚居瞭到...
評分 評分這是一本有關童年、成長、苦難和教育的書,更是一本有關信念,甚至是信仰的書。掩捲,一個問題在腦海中迴蕩:是什麼讓弗蘭西有種超齣年齡的智慧?這種智慧麵對苦難能夠豁達,麵對貧睏能夠淡然,麵對輟學能夠堅持。我覺得,一個重要的原因是閱讀。一字不識的外祖母讓孩子...
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