CIXIN LIU is the most prolific and popular science fiction writer in the People's Republic of China. Liu is an eight-time winner of the Galaxy Award (the Chinese Hugo) and a winner of the Nebula Award. Prior to becoming a writer, he worked as an engineer in a power plant in Yangquan, Shanxi.
With The Three-Body Problem, English-speaking readers got their first chance to experience the multiple-award-winning and bestselling Three-Body Trilogy by China's most beloved science fiction author, Cixin Liu. Three-Body was released to great acclaim including coverage in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. It was also named a finalist for the Nebula Award, making it the first translated novel to be nominated for a major SF award since Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities in 1976.
Now this epic trilogy concludes with Death's End. Half a century after the Doomsday Battle, the uneasy balance of Dark Forest Deterrence keeps the Trisolaran invaders at bay. Earth enjoys unprecedented prosperity due to the infusion of Trisolaran knowledge. With human science advancing daily and the Trisolarans adopting Earth culture, it seems that the two civilizations will soon be able to co-exist peacefully as equals without the terrible threat of mutually assured annihilation. But the peace has also made humanity complacent.
Cheng Xin, an aerospace engineer from the early 21st century, awakens from hibernation in this new age. She brings with her knowledge of a long-forgotten program dating from the beginning of the Trisolar Crisis, and her very presence may upset the delicate balance between two worlds. Will humanity reach for the stars or die in its cradle?
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【吐槽、微劇透】鐵打的丁儀,流水的聖母 眾所周知,大劉蜀黍算得上是科幻界的劉三好:想象力好、技術描寫好、情節設置好。也不用細錶咱看《三體3》如何魂牽夢繞、夢遊四維宇宙、夢見三體人大戰歌者,一句話:咱是來吐槽的,咱被程心聖母雷得二維化瞭。 劉三好之外,大劉還很...
評分先錶明立場我是一名三體黑,並不是我真的覺得這書有多爛,而是因為我覺得它受到的贊譽太言過其實瞭。 三部三體我一共讀過兩遍,第一次讀的時候我為它奇妙的點子、設定和四維展開的想像力嘆為觀止,時隔三年第二次看的時候為其粗製濫造的故事情節、漏洞百齣的細節轉摺、單薄幼...
評分鑒於這年頭寫書評是一種費力不討好一不小心就被客觀被裝逼被代錶全亞洲的行為藝術,樓主在讀完《三體3》(以下省略書名號,以下所有提及的書刊雜誌一律省略書名號,因為太麻煩)後,用瞭五秒鍾做齣重要決定:老子隻寫讀後感。 所謂讀後感的意思就是,這是一個完全個人完全主觀...
評分文/caesarphoenix 昨天看完後一直心情激蕩,今天吃中飯時突然想到又被震撼一次。 雲天明的三個童話實際上有三個層次: 1.是個很美的童話 2.嚮人類傳達加密信息(加密手段極為高明) 3.是對整個三體係列的簡寫 2和3是部分重疊的,這裏簡單說下3 無故事王國——太陽係人類 赫...
評分在老婆的威逼利誘下看完瞭三體三。 小說內容沒什麼好寫的,我的主要目的是為瞭說明,大劉已經成為瞭最牛逼的那一批人。 不管在哪個領域,名字能浮齣水麵的那些人必然是牛逼的。對這些人來說,你可以不贊同他牛逼的方式,但你不能不認可他的牛逼。 看完三體,你可以明確地感...
圖書標籤: 劉慈欣 科幻 三體 小說 中國 English 英語 scifi
評分Just nominated for Hugo Prize this year!
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