Architecture 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
我还是大一的时候说实话完全不明白这本书在讲什么,所以自然也就没有兴趣继续看了下去 待我到大二的时候再随手翻阅了一次发现里面有不少的空间形式是我可以借鉴参考的 当我已经大三了,走过学习建筑最迷茫的时期忽然再次遇见这本好书,便看是零零碎碎的将他翻阅完全,然后才感...
评分个人推荐指数四星。中英双语版,初版于一九八几年,很经典的一本书,四百页。 全书图非常多,解说的非常清楚。由现实中不存在的点线面再到三维空间中的形状、尺寸、质感、色彩、位置、方位、视觉惯性。二维正方形代表着理性与纯粹,三角形代表着稳定。三维圆锥体代表着柔和的形...
评分读的DK Ching的第三本书了。这本比较基础,谈的很全面却没深度。我个人偏向于细节分析的资料。(不喜欢唠叨,没140个字。不喜欢唠叨,没140个字。不喜欢唠叨,没140个字。不喜欢唠叨,没140个字。不喜欢唠叨,没140个字。不喜欢唠叨,没140个字。不喜欢唠叨,没140个字。)
图书标签: 建筑 Architecture 设计 FrancisD.K.Ching 建筑理论 建築 英文版 sketch
A superb visual reference to the principles of architecture
Now including interactive CD–ROM!
For more than thirty years, the beautifully illustrated Architecture: Form, Space, and Order has been the classic introduction to the basic vocabulary of architectural design. The updated Third Edition features expanded sections on circulation, light, views, and site context, along with new considerations of environmental factors, building codes, and contemporary examples of form, space, and order.
This classic visual reference helps both students and practicing architects understand the basic vocabulary of architectural design by examining how form and space are ordered in the built environment.? Using his trademark meticulous drawing, Professor Ching shows the relationship between fundamental elements of architecture through the ages and across cultural boundaries. By looking at these seminal ideas, Architecture: Form, Space, and Order encourages the reader to look critically at the built environment and promotes a more evocative understanding of architecture.
In addition to updates to content and many of the illustrations, this new edition includes a companion CD–ROM that brings the book′s architectural concepts to life through three–dimensional models and animations created by Professor Ching.
很多人因为它厚才打的这么高分吧。 这本和建筑空间组合论是一类书,工具书,建筑空间语汇,是建筑读物里的字典,总结好了的一套东西,也说不上对与错但就是规整。但是语汇也是在变化的,在此基础上做发挥才好。
评分year 2的时候读的 入门
Architecture 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书