This is a debut novel. When a young Highland woman who is gifted with second sight is kidnapped by a Norman warrior, she casts her spell over him, yet becomes his captive in body...and soul. In Scotland's darkest hour, an English warrior dressed all in black has come for her. Blessed with the gift of foresight, Lady Tamlyn MacShane foresaw this day, when the ruthless Lord Julian Challon would conquer her land - and her heart. She is determined to resist him...but she is no match for his strength...or his sensuality...To Julian, the proud Scotswoman should be nothing more than a captive. Yet, Tamlyn's fiery beauty ensnares him, body and soul. Now, the warrior, known as the Black Dragon, is in danger of falling under a spell that cannot be broken - the spell of love...
A Restless Knight (The Dragons of Challon, Book 1) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
A Restless Knight (The Dragons of Challon, Book 1) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載