Shefali Tsabary, Ph.D., was exposed to Eastern philosophy at an early age and integrates its teachings with Western psychology, having received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University in New York. This blend of East and West allow her to reach a global audience and establishes her as one of a kind in the field of mindfulness psychology for families.
Dr. Shefali Tsabary lectures extensively on conscious parenting around the world and is in private practice. She is author of the award winning parenting book, The Conscious Parent as the newly released Out of Control: Why Disciplining Your Child Won't Work and What Will, as well as It's a Mom: What You Should Know About the Early Years of Motherhood, which debuted on the Indian National bestseller list for four weeks. Dr. Tsabary lives in New York City.
Every parent wants the golden key to raising well-behaved, academically gifted, successful, happy children. Embedded in the collective psyche is the notion that discipline is the cornerstone to achieving these goals. Out of Control offers a never-before-published perspective on why the entire premise of discipline is flawed. Dr. Shefali Tsabary reveals how discipline is a major cause of generations of dysfunction. The author goes to the heart of the problems parents have with children, challenging society’s dependence on discipline, daring readers to let go of fear-based ideologies and replace them with an approach that draws parent and child together. The key is ongoing meaningful connection between parent and child, free from threats, deprivation, punishment, and timeouts — all forms of manipulation. Parents learn how to enter into deep communion with their children, understanding the reasons for a behavior and how to bring out the best in the child. Far from a laissez-faire, anything goes, approach, this is how a child learns responsibility and takes ownership of their life, equipped with character and resilience that flow naturally from within.
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作為一個心理叛逆期幼兒的母親,我是一口氣讀完本書的。薩巴瑞博士既是一名臨床心理學醫生,也是一個母親,她結閤自己的學識、客戶案例和育兒過程,把多年來的經驗所得總結在這本書裏,幫助父母認識孩子性格問題的本質以及成年人對待孩子産生不良情緒的根源。 在為生存而拼搏...
評分和孩子共同麵對生活 評《失控》 在管教孩子上,因為“我愛你”、“我是為瞭你好”等原因,我們會對他提齣要求:“要聽話哦。”一旦孩子不聽從我們的安排、服從我們的管教,我們則會把“不聽話”、“不乖”之類的帽子扣在孩子身上。想想這時的孩子應該挺委屈的吧。冷靜想來,孩...
評分文/藍莓兔子 在陪伴孩子成長的過程中,我們都不可避免地遭遇過類似的失控局麵:麵對亂成一團的房間或令人頭疼的成績單、倔強叛逆、不服管教的孩子、在絕望中變得歇斯底裏的自己、以及同樣情緒激動、大喊大叫的孩子,被濃濃的挫敗感所填滿,深感教育的無力…… ...
圖書標籤: 管教 正念 教育
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