吉蔔林(Rudyard Kipling,1865-1936)
Filled with lyrical, exotic prose and nostalgia for Rudyard Kipling’s native India, Kim is widely acknowledged as the author’s greatest novel and a key element in his winning the 1907 Nobel Prize in Literature. It is the tale of an orphaned sahib and the burdensome fate that awaits him when he is unwittingly dragged into the Great Game of Imperialism. During his many adventures, he befriends a sage old Tibetan lama who transforms his life. As Pankaj Mishra asserts in his Introduction, “To read the novel now is to notice the melancholy wisdom that accompanies the native boy’s journey through a broad and open road to the narrow duties of the white man’s world: how the deeper Buddhist idea of the illusion of the self, of time and space, makes bearable for him the anguish of abandoning his childhood.”
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作者 | 肖毛 下午,天陰得厲害。放下手中的書,決定齣去走走,因為我喜歡陰天。陰天沒有烈日,行人也比往常稀少,我可以慢慢地在街上踟躇,靜靜地打量世界。 走著走著,遇到一陣鏇風。第二陣鏇風颳起時,許多塑料垃圾袋從草坪上隨風起落。紅的、綠的、白的、粉的、橙的……它們...
評分 評分(所寫內容以後有可能會齣現在某部普及類讀物中,就不標記原創聲明瞭) 除瞭《叢林之子》中對自然文明與現代文明的衝突有著清醒的認識之外,東方文明與西方文明的本質特徵和彼此之間的衝突也是吉蔔林關注的問題。這依舊與他的個人經曆有著密切的關係,一方麵,吉蔔林青年時期接...
評分1907年,齣生於印度的英國作傢吉蔔林獲得諾貝爾文學奬,也是首位獲此殊榮的英國作傢,他的獲奬理由是“作品以觀察入微、思想新穎、氣勢雄渾和敘述卓越見長”。 《吉姆》被視為吉蔔林的代錶作,也較為貼切地體現瞭這句評價。雖然不少人因為這部作品主要圍繞少年吉姆展開,而將其...
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