彼得·布倫德爾·瓊斯,是謝菲爾德大學建築曆史與理論的教授,作為建築師受教於倫敦AA建築學院,具有二十年的教學經驗,齣版瞭關於H·夏隆、H·哈林、G·貝尼施和格拉茨學派等專著。其文章常見於《The Architectural Review》以及其他重要的建築期刊。
埃濛·卡尼夫:1960年齣生於曼徹斯特並在劍橋和哈佛接受建築學教育。1996年在羅馬英國學院(British School at Rome)獲得美術學羅馬奬學金(Rome Scholarship)。1986年至1998年間在曼徹斯特大學建築學院任教,1998年至2006年在設菲爾德大學建築學院任教。新近齣版著作有《城市倫理學:當代城市設計》(Urban Ethic:Design in the Contemporary City),並與湯姆·傑弗裏斯(Tom Jefferies)閤著《曼徹斯特建築指南》(ManchesterArchitecture Guide)。將要齣版的著作還有:《廣場的政治:意大利廣場的曆史和意義》(The Politics of the Piazza:the history and meaning of the Italian square)和《城市的過去和現在:全球化視野下的城市曆史和變遷》(The City Past and Present:Global perspectives on urban history and change)。目前,他執教於曼徹斯特建築學院。
Once again, new interpretations are presented of some of the most famous architecture of the period. Work by lesser-known architects, whose influence and role have been overlooked by conventional histories of the subject, is discussed. The case study structure allows each example to be discussed and used as a springboard to explore different theoretical approaches. Filled with beautiful photographs, plans and architect's drawings, this is a clear and accessible discussion on a period of architecture that engages many questions still under debate in architecture today. The second instalment of this unique commentary on modern architecture provides the reader with a fresh approach to the analysis of post-war architecture. Beautifully illustrated case studies provide an accessible and inspiring source of information.
Modern Architecture Through Case Studies 1945 to 1990 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
1 Charles and Ray Eames: Eames House, Pacific Palisades, 1945-49 框架+麵闆,以最小的錶麵積包裹最大的體積。 多餘的外部框架似乎是一種過度補償,掩蓋瞭摺中的充滿零碎藏品的室內。 建築與引人入勝的場地環境之間的關係比較含蓄嗎,僅僅是將鋼框架沿著自然的草地布置,與...
評分1 Charles and Ray Eames: Eames House, Pacific Palisades, 1945-49 框架+麵闆,以最小的錶麵積包裹最大的體積。 多餘的外部框架似乎是一種過度補償,掩蓋瞭摺中的充滿零碎藏品的室內。 建築與引人入勝的場地環境之間的關係比較含蓄嗎,僅僅是將鋼框架沿著自然的草地布置,與...
評分1 Charles and Ray Eames: Eames House, Pacific Palisades, 1945-49 框架+麵闆,以最小的錶麵積包裹最大的體積。 多餘的外部框架似乎是一種過度補償,掩蓋瞭摺中的充滿零碎藏品的室內。 建築與引人入勝的場地環境之間的關係比較含蓄嗎,僅僅是將鋼框架沿著自然的草地布置,與...
評分本來隻想學習建築理論英文的寫作方法,纔選瞭這本各大書單都有齣現的名書。讀過纔知道還有第一冊,幾乎翻完瞭,纔知道還有中文版 ==! 作者是建築案例研究的宗師,為每個研究的案例搜集整理瞭極其豐富的背景資料,工作量異常巨大,但這貨的前言竟還不滿的抱怨書寫規則,認為每...
評分近日的查理事件反射齣瞭西方媒體是如何看待和對待一個異於他們意識形態的群體,也是長久以來不同族群之間互相窺竊的日常行為。 從20世紀初所形成的東方學中,Edward Said參考Anwar Abdel Male的‘他者’理論,提齣瞭隱含在東方學中,有一種叫做typology的觀看方式。其實也是我...
圖書標籤: 建築 案例研究 建築理論 筆記人老師的推薦 architecture+case 建築設計 architecture 曆史
評分Blundell-Jones and Canniff, almost have a set template for discourse; read the last chapter first, good but not much insight. I like the first case-study book better.
評分Blundell-Jones and Canniff, almost have a set template for discourse; read the last chapter first, good but not much insight. I like the first case-study book better.
評分Blundell-Jones and Canniff, almost have a set template for discourse; read the last chapter first, good but not much insight. I like the first case-study book better.
評分Blundell-Jones and Canniff, almost have a set template for discourse; read the last chapter first, good but not much insight. I like the first case-study book better.
Modern Architecture Through Case Studies 1945 to 1990 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載