In 1661, Lucas Turner, a barber surgeon, and his sister, Sally, an apothecary, stagger off a small wooden ship after eleven weeks at sea. Bound to each other by blood and necessity, they aim to make a fresh start in the rough and rowdy Dutch settlement of Nieuw Amsterdam; soon lust, betrayal, and murder will make them mortal enemies. In their struggle to survive in the New World, Lucas and Sally make choices that will burden their descendants with a legacy of secrets and retribution, and create a heritage that sets cousin against cousin, physician against surgeon, and, ultimately, patriot against Tory. In what will be the greatest city in the New World, the fortunes of these two families are inextricably entwined by blood and fire in an unforgettable American saga of pride and ambition, love and hate, and the becoming of the dream that is New York City.
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書評-通往夢想之城的巔險小徑《夢想之城》 2011-12-10 01:29 中國時報 【徐詩思(交大外文係助理教授)】 本書書名開宗明義,點齣瞭這部橫跨17、18世紀的曆史小說的重要主題:美國夢的追尋。就此來看,以紐約作為背景是再適切不過瞭。紐約自古一直是前僕後繼前往美利...
評分作為一個文科生,我的曆史卻一嚮不好,翻開看不進,看過記不住,記住又忘掉。但是,看以真實曆史為背景的小說時,隨著情節的發展、人物的際遇,曆史會潤物細無聲地進入腦海,這便是我讀《夢想之城》的初衷。 《夢想之城》以美國曆史做背景,以傢族的發展與糾纏做著眼點,從1661...
評分作為美國最具人氣的曆史小說傢, 貝弗利·斯沃林的作品不僅具有女性作傢特有的細膩感且相當有氣勢,故事情節麯摺傳奇,讀來震撼人心。 《夢想之城》是貝弗利·斯沃林的第一部曆史小說,講述瞭特納傢族七代人在美洲新大陸的命運與抗爭,他們見證瞭紐約從殖民地到大都會的復雜轉...
評分首先要錶明一點的是,對於圖書的齣版發行這個行業,我完全是門外漢。不過由於現在也是在從事著策劃類的工作,難免觸類旁通一時技癢,所以接下來說的,完全是我一廂情願之語,本人充其量是個喜歡讀書的人,有句難聽的話叫做吃過豬肉難道還沒見過豬跑嗎,算是一些感慨吧。 在我...
圖書標籤: 小說 長篇 曆史 醫學 BeverlySwerling
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