Marlon James was born in Jamaica in 1970. His most recent novel, A Brief History of Seven Killings, won the 2015 Man Booker Prize. It was also a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award and won the OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature for fiction, the Anisfield-Wolf Book Award for fiction, and the Minnesota Book Award. It was also a New York Times Notable Book. James is also the author of The Book of Night Women, which won the 2010 Dayton Literary Peace Prize and the Minnesota Book Award, and was a finalist for the 2010 National Book Critics Circle Award in fiction and an NAACP Image Award. His first novel, John Crow’s Devil, was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for first fiction and the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize and was a New York Times Editors’ Choice. James lives in Minneapolis.
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评分我看过很多版本的“世界历史”。 关于全古埃及人都是猫奴,巴比伦有高明的历法,斯巴达与雅典数十年的缠斗,我们可以连着聊一个小时;十字军打着上帝的名号东征,东罗马帝国的君士坦丁堡成为穆罕默德的伊斯坦布尔,马丁路德的宗教改革,我们也能理出个大概。 更别提文艺复兴,...
评分 评分每一部文学作品都是作者和读者之间的隔空斗智,作者开出题目,由读者进行解答。如果作者的谜题很容易被猜中,那么他会遭到读者的耻笑。相反,如果作者的题目构思巧妙,令人拍案叫绝,那么读者也会给予作者以极高的评价。这本《七杀简史》显然属于后一种情况。 打开这本厚如词典...
评分我看过很多版本的“世界历史”。 关于全古埃及人都是猫奴,巴比伦有高明的历法,斯巴达与雅典数十年的缠斗,我们可以连着聊一个小时;十字军打着上帝的名号东征,东罗马帝国的君士坦丁堡成为穆罕默德的伊斯坦布尔,马丁路德的宗教改革,我们也能理出个大概。 更别提文艺复兴,...
图书标签: 布克奖 外国文学 苦难 牙买加作家
In A Brief History of Seven Killings, Marlon James combines masterful storytelling with his unrivaled skill at characterization and his meticulous eye for detail to forge a novel of dazzling ambition and scope. On December 3, 1976, just before the Jamaican general election and two days before Bob Marley was to play the Smile Jamaica Concert to ease political tensions in Kingston, seven unnamed gunmen stormed the singer’s house, machine guns blazing. The attack wounded Marley, his wife, and his manager, and injured several others. Little was officially released about the gunmen, but rumors abounded regarding the assassins’ fates. A Brief History of Seven Killings is James’s fictional exploration of that dangerous and unstable time in Jamaica’s history and beyond. Deftly spanning decades and continents and peopled with a wide range of characters—assassins, drug dealers, journalists, and even ghosts—James brings to life the people who walked the streets of 1970s Kingston, who dominated the crack houses of 1980s New York, and who reemerged into a radically altered Jamaica of the 1990s. Brilliantly inventive, A Brief History of Seven Killings is an “exhilarating” (The New York Times) epic that’s been called “a tour de force” (The Wall Street Journal).
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