In Hiroshima, Japan, 1902, a woman born under the portentous Fire Horse Sign is married by proxy into the wealthy Matsubara family and sent to join her new husband in a new world-America. In California, 1942, this tame woman - facing the sunset of her life rather than the dawn is sent to a Japanese internment camp with her daughter and granddaughter. This is her story. From one beginning to another...In Japan, no Fire Horse Woman could ever dream of marrying. It was a tragic sign, a ruinous birthdate that occurred once every sixty years. Though always beautiful, Fire Horse Women were destined to remain untamed by men - and were to be avoided as wives at all cost. An orphan as well, Sayo had two strikes against her. But her loving mentor kept her secrets - and made a match for her with the second son of a wealthy family. A son who was staking his own claim in America. Though beset by doubts and unforeseen circumstances, tragedy and pain, in this new land Sayo learns to harness the power of the Fire Horse - and survive all the obstacles that life sets in her path.
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