John Cassaday began his professional career with Negative Burn. It wasn’t until he showed his portfolio to Mark Waid at San Diego Comic Con that he began receiving job offers from Dark Horse, DC, and Marvel. He eventually collaborated with Joss Whedon on "Astonishing X-Men" which led to more work and even directing an episode of Whedon’s television show, "Dollhouse." Most recently he helped relaunch the successful "Star Wars" comic franchise alongside Jason Aaron for Marvel Comics.
Frederik Peeters is a contemporary Swiss graphic novelist. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in visual communication from the École Supérieure d’Arts Appliqués in Geneva in 1995. Peeters has created numerous award-winning graphic novels including “Blue Pills,” “Pachyderme,” and the “Aama” sci-fi series. He currently lives with his partner Cati, her son, and their daughter in Geneva.
The Tipping Point 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
(本文为《惊爆点》的后记,原标题为《一点,包罗万象》) 一切倾覆的那一天(注①)? 一个小机灵鬼可能会回答,那首先是人联社向十四位作者建议思考同一样东西的那一天,尤其还让他们把它画下来。小机灵鬼说的也许不无道理。从今往后,漫画就是一门“艺术”。这您已经知道,...
评分《惊爆点》,很有意思的一本书,来自亚洲,欧洲和美洲三大洲十四位漫画大师的合作。虽然故事各异,但都展现了画家自己对于“惊爆”的理解,也就是说,生命中“一切倾覆的那一天”。这种短篇合集的形式,我之前在电影中看见过,漫画形式看还是第一次。 所有的漫画家都成名已久,...
评分 评分《惊爆点》,很有意思的一本书,来自亚洲,欧洲和美洲三大洲十四位漫画大师的合作。虽然故事各异,但都展现了画家自己对于“惊爆”的理解,也就是说,生命中“一切倾覆的那一天”。这种短篇合集的形式,我之前在电影中看见过,漫画形式看还是第一次。 所有的漫画家都成名已久,...
评分(本文为《惊爆点》的后记,原标题为《一点,包罗万象》) 一切倾覆的那一天(注①)? 一个小机灵鬼可能会回答,那首先是人联社向十四位作者建议思考同一样东西的那一天,尤其还让他们把它画下来。小机灵鬼说的也许不无道理。从今往后,漫画就是一门“艺术”。这您已经知道,...
图书标签: 漫画 研究所 G-N Anthology ALBANY
Some of the world s greatest creators have each written and drawn an original story that explores the key moment when a clear-cut split occurs, a mutation, a personal revolt or a large-scale revolution that tips us from one world into another, from one life to an entirely new one: The Tipping Point. From slice-of-life tales and science-fiction adventures, to amusing asides and fantastical fables, witness these major (and minor) changes and evolution through the eyes of these visionaries from the worlds of manga, bande dessinee, and comics."
The Tipping Point 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书