One of Thomas Hardy's most powerful works, The Return of the Native centers famously on Egdon Heath, the wild, haunted Wessex moor that D. H. Lawrence called "the real stuff of tragedy." The heath's changing face mirrors the fortunes of the farmers, inn-keepers, sons, mothers, and lovers who populate the novel. The "native" is Clym Yeobright, who comes home from a cosmopolitan life in Paris. He; his cousin Thomasin; her fiancé, Damon Wildeve; and the willful Eustacia Vye are the protagonists in a tale of doomed love, passion, alienation, and melancholy as Hardy brilliantly explores that theme so familiar throughout his fiction: the diabolical role of chance in determining the course of a life.
As Alexander Theroux asserts in his Introduction, Hardy was "committed to the deep expression of [nature's] ironic chaos and strange apathy, even hostility, toward man."
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評分哈代的小說總是把主角的經曆寫的很淒慘。《苔絲》中苔絲的受辱導緻的兩人的長久的分離與摺磨;《裘德》裏裘德的肺結核病,以及孩子們災難性的死亡。這無疑都是要把人徹底擊跨啊! 《還鄉》的前半段舒緩平靜,到中程突然巨浪一個接著一個,矛盾終於完全的展現在瞭眼前。 ...
評分當看到哈代的《還鄉》這本書時,我沒有立刻去瞭解它的內容到底寫瞭什麼。呈現在我大腦裏麵的是“近鄉情更怯,不敢問來人。”在我看來,還鄉是一種喜劇,但有時候也是一種悲劇,因為世事無常,畢竟有山中纔三日,世上已韆年的說法。 哈代的《還鄉》在我看來是一個從喜劇到悲劇的...
評分 評分《還鄉》初讀小說名字,還以為是關於理想與現實衝突類的激情小說。實則不然,它是哈代有關“性格和環境”類彆的重要代錶作之一,也是哈代小說藝術走嚮成熟的重要作品之一。故事內容,以荒原為背景,寫齣瞭五個男女不同的愛情和理想悲劇命運。 一、人物性格的悲劇 以小說中的男...
The Return of the Native (Modern Library Classics) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載