Born in 1959 in Osaka, Japan, Alice Arisugawa obtained a Bachelor of Law from Doshisha University. In 1989, he made a literary debut with "Gekko Game" (The Moonlight Game). In 2003, he won The Mystery Writers of Japan Award with "Malay Tetsudo no Nazo" (The Malayan Railway Mystery); and in 2008, he won The Honkaku Mystery Award with "Jo-okoku no Shiro" (The Castle of the Queendom). His other works include "Soto no Akuma" (Double-Headed Devil), "Yamabushi Jizobo no Horo (Bohemian Dreams), and many others. He served as the first chairperson for The Honkaku Mystery Writers Club of Japan.
The Moai Island Puzzle 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
全书归结于两大谜题:1.密室。2.两点之间的路线。 前者没什么好说,就如同书中自嘲般“门口贴张封条,直接将密室封存了吧”。本书真正的核心在于:1.如何在限制的时间内往返两地。2.如何携带凶器往返于两地。3.使用何种交通工具往返两地。4.是谁往返于两地。四点疑问,用有栖...
评分望月和信长拿走了地图的复印件准备破解宝藏之谜。 然后呢? 没有然后了。 这一疑似伏笔的情节其实没有任何意义。 慢热,情节发展拖沓。 人物没有鲜明形象。 然而要说优点,对比作者的处女作,作者加强了推理的部分,简化了自己不擅长的背景描写或者说感情线。在否定老派推理诡...
评分江神系列第二部比处女作明显进步不少,就连他最鸡肋的人物刻画部分也生动多了,主要人物不再像月光游戏一样停留在符号层面,个性生动许多。 严谨的逻辑演绎不愧日本奎因之名,尤其是自行车的那一段很精彩,但是指证凶手的力度不够。虽说真凶身份不难猜,但在缺乏证据之下凶手居...
图书标签: 英译版 江神二郎 有栖川有栖 孤岛之谜
Three students from Eito University in Kyoto travel to a remote island populated with moai statues in order to find hidden treasure, but several murders occur before it can be located. Don't be fooled by the bland description. The locked room murder is brilliant and worthy of John Dickson Carr at his best, and the dying message and chain of deduction leading to the killer rival anything written by Ellery Queen. Neither Carr nor Queen ever combined both in one novel. This is an outstanding example of Japanese honkaku with an introduction by the maestro, Soji Shimada Locked Room International publishes impossible crime novels by authors past and present.
The Moai Island Puzzle 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书