Based on the wildly popular, semi-autobiographical "Havana Honey" series published by, "Dirty Blonde and Half-Cuban" is a gritty portrait of one woman's determination to infiltrate modern Cuba and find the father she has never known. While on her search, privileged American Alysia Briggs ends up broke and alone in Havana. She's then forced to adopt the life of the jineteras -- educated Cuban women who supplement a desperate income by accommodating sex tourists. With an eye for detail and a razor wit, Lisa Wixon relates Alysia's journey and creates a love song to Cuba, a heartfelt tribute to a resilient people facing soul-numbing poverty in a land where M.D.s and Ph.D.s earn $18 a month, and a pair of jeans costs twice as much.
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Dirty Blonde and Half-Cuban 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載