DANIEL BEER is senior lecturer in the Department of History at Royal Holloway, University of London. He has written widely on nineteenth-century Russia and is the author of Renovating Russia: The Human Sciences and the Fate of Liberal Modernity, 1880-1930.
A visceral, hundred-year history of the vast Russian penal colony.
It was known as 'the vast prison without a roof.' From the beginning of the nineteenth century until the Russian Revolution, the tsars exiled more than one million prisoners and their families beyond the Ural Mountains to Siberia. Daniel Beer illuminates both the brutal realities of this inhuman system and the tragic and inspiring fates of those who endured it. Here are the vividly told stories of petty criminals and mass murderers, bookish radicals and violent terrorists, fugitives and bounty hunters, and the innocent women and children who followed their husbands and fathers into exile.
Siberia was intended to serve not only as a dumping ground for criminals but also as a colony. Just as exile would purge Russia of its villains so too would it purge villains of their vices. In theory, Russia’s most unruly criminals would be transformed into hardy frontiersmen and settlers. But in reality, the system peopled Siberia with an army of destitute and desperate vagabonds who visited a plague of crime on the indigenous population. Even the aim of securing law and order in the rest of the Empire met with disaster: Expecting Siberia also to provide the ultimate quarantine against rebellion, the tsars condemned generations of republicans, nationalists and socialists to oblivion thousands of kilometers from Moscow. Over the nineteenth century, however, these political exiles transformed Siberia's mines, settlements and penal forts into a virtual laboratory of revolution. Exile became the defining experience for the men and women who would one day rule the Soviet Union.
Unearthing a treasure trove of new archival evidence, this masterly and original work tells the epic story of Russia's struggle to govern its prison continent and Siberia's own decisive influence on the political forces of the modern world. In The House of the Dead, Daniel Beer brings to light a dark and gripping reality of mythic proportions.
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發錶於11月4日《經濟觀察報》,題為《西伯利亞的陰影》,略有刪節。 近年來俄國殖民東方問題在歐美的俄國史學界炙手可熱。與這一問題緊密相關的西伯利亞流放刑罰史因而也受到格外關注。僅2016—2017年兩年裏,就有三部英語專著問世:諾丁漢大學教授薩拉·巴德科剋(Sarah Badco...
評分略刪減 晶報:“死屋”裏所見之悲慘,何止一部西伯利亞流放史 許多國傢在曆史上都實施過流放製度。我國從秦漢時期一直沿用到清朝,嶺南、西北、東北等地遍布流人足跡;英國從16世紀起把重刑犯運往美利堅或澳大利亞;法國於18世紀在南美洲法屬圭亞那和太平洋上的新喀裏多尼亞設...
評分 評分發錶於11月4日《經濟觀察報》,題為《西伯利亞的陰影》,略有刪節。 近年來俄國殖民東方問題在歐美的俄國史學界炙手可熱。與這一問題緊密相關的西伯利亞流放刑罰史因而也受到格外關注。僅2016—2017年兩年裏,就有三部英語專著問世:諾丁漢大學教授薩拉·巴德科剋(Sarah Badco...
評分圖書標籤: 曆史 西伯利亞 蘇俄 英文原版 西方思想曆史研究 蘇聯 流放 死屋
Miserable...我都開始做噩夢夢到knout瞭…十二月黨、老陀和庫頁島那幾章印象很深。Epilogue的諷刺挺苦澀的,所以作者你可以寫一本續集Siberian Exile Under the Bolsheviks嗎?
評分Miserable...我都開始做噩夢夢到knout瞭…十二月黨、老陀和庫頁島那幾章印象很深。Epilogue的諷刺挺苦澀的,所以作者你可以寫一本續集Siberian Exile Under the Bolsheviks嗎?
評分Miserable...我都開始做噩夢夢到knout瞭…十二月黨、老陀和庫頁島那幾章印象很深。Epilogue的諷刺挺苦澀的,所以作者你可以寫一本續集Siberian Exile Under the Bolsheviks嗎?
評分Miserable...我都開始做噩夢夢到knout瞭…十二月黨、老陀和庫頁島那幾章印象很深。Epilogue的諷刺挺苦澀的,所以作者你可以寫一本續集Siberian Exile Under the Bolsheviks嗎?
評分Miserable...我都開始做噩夢夢到knout瞭…十二月黨、老陀和庫頁島那幾章印象很深。Epilogue的諷刺挺苦澀的,所以作者你可以寫一本續集Siberian Exile Under the Bolsheviks嗎?
The House of the Dead 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載