Lynda Gratton is a Professor of Management Practice at London Business School, where she directs the program Human Resource Strategy in Transforming Companies considered the world s leading program on human resources.
Andrew Scott is Professor of Economics at London Business School, a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford University and the Centre for Economic Policy Research having previously taught at Harvard and London School of Economics. He has served as an advisor on macroeconomics to a range of governments and central banks and was Non-Executive Director on the UK s Financial Services Authority.
The 100-Year Life 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
许久没有看书了,以至于做为2016年世界畅销排行榜前十的书籍《百岁人生》的名字都没听过。很幸运能够在吴晓波频道同读一本书中接触到了这一本书。下面来讲一讲我读后的一些感想。 终身学习 最先让我想到的是我关注的一个公众号,而作者则是从国企离职成为自由职业者,每天写一...
评分今天读完一本书《百岁人生》,感触颇深:当我们都将活过100岁,你将会给自己做什么样的人生规划? 当我们都要活过100岁,我们又会有怎样的不同?书里有六大预言,我觉得很值得分享给大家! 1⃣️人类的寿命正在飞速递增,每个人都有可能活到一百岁,或者至少将近一百岁,我...
评分最早见到这本书,是在今年罗振宇《时间的朋友》跨年演讲上,他提到了本书。这本书的书名马上吸引了我。 “百岁人生”,对我来说是个过于长远,也是一个想都不敢想的问题,但是在科技、医疗水平持续发展的社会背景下,这样的人生对我们来讲似乎又触手可及。这是我对本书印象至深...
评分罗振宇2019跨年演讲上,谈到了我们这一代人很有可能会活过100岁,这是个有趣的观点。对于我这样的拖延症患者来说,似乎又多了个”不着急”的借口,来呀,造作啊,反正有大把时光…. 当然,百岁人生的意义一定不是用来虚度的。在《百岁人生:长寿时代的生活和工作》这本书中,作...
图书标签: 人生规划 社会学 未来 每天听本书 社会 得到 2016 英国
Does the thought of working for 60 or 70 years fill you with dread? Or can you see the potential for a more stimulating future as a result of having so much extra time?
Many of us have been raised on the traditional notion of a three-stage approach to our working lives: education, followed by work and then retirement. But this well-established pathway is already beginning to collapse life expectancy is rising, final-salary pensions are vanishing, and increasing numbers of people are juggling multiple careers. Whether you are 18, 45 or 60, you will need to do things very differently from previous generations and learn to structure your life in completely new ways.
The 100-Year Life is here to help.
Drawing on the unique pairing of their experience in psychology and economics, Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott offer a broad-ranging analysis as well as a raft of solutions, showing how to rethink your finances, your education, your career and your relationships and create a fulfilling 100-year life.
- How can you fashion a career and life path that defines you and your values and creates a shifting balance between work and leisure?
- What are the most effective ways of boosting your physical and mental health over a longer and more dynamic lifespan?
- How can you make the most of your intangible assets such as family and friends as you build a productive, longer life?
- In a multiple-stage life how can you learn to make the transitions that will be so crucial and experiment with new ways of living, working and learning?
The 100-Year Life is a wake-up call that describes what to expect and considers the choices and options that you will face. It is also fundamentally a call to action for individuals, politicians, firms and governments and offers the clearest demonstration that a 100-year life can be a wonderful and inspiring one.
评分超级大城市的优势越来越大,不愿接受新事物、害怕改变的人,将会被新时代彻底抛弃, “反成熟”成为趋势;人们的选择会越来越慎重,婚恋年龄会继续推迟;对无形资产的积累和经营将更受人们的重视 | 三段式人生终将消亡,多段式人生 每一小段都有自己不同的主题,各段之间穿插进行,不会再有明确边
The 100-Year Life 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书