帕特裏剋·懷特(Patrick Victor Martindale White,1912-1990)澳大利亞小說傢、劇作傢。生於英國。懷特自幼喜愛文學,9歲就能讀懂莎士比亞戲劇。1932年,懷特赴英國劍橋皇傢學院研讀現代語言,畢業後留英國。第二次世界大戰期間,他服役於英國皇傢空軍情報部門,赴中東工作五年。1948年迴澳大利亞定居,先經營農牧場,後專門從事寫作。
懷特的作品有明顯的神秘主義、象徵主義和現代心理分析學說的影響。他善於運用意識流的手法,大跨度地將情節與人物內心活動編織在一起,細緻深刻地描繪人物的內心世界,給人一種迷離變幻的感覺。他曾對英國廣播公司的記者說:“對我來說,人物是至關重要的,情節我不在乎。 ”他的小說大多篇幅浩瀚,用字冷僻,善於比喻和景色的描寫。有人說他的小說是隻有他自己纔明白的天書,是文學味太重的散文。盡管對懷特的創作有爭議,但評論界一緻公認他是當今世界上富於纔華並卓有成就的作傢之一。
Patrick White's brilliant 1961 novel, set in an Australian suburb, intertwines four deeply different lives. An Aborigine artist, a Holocaust survivor, a beatific washerwoman, and a childlike heiress are each blessed—and stricken—with visionary experiences that may or may not allow them to transcend the machinations of their fellow men. Tender and lacerating, pure and profane, subtle and sweeping, Riders in the Chariot is one of the Nobel Prize winner's boldest books.
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2020年是帕特裏剋·懷特逝世30周年,為瞭紀念這位文學巨匠,浙江文藝齣版社“KEY-可以文化”在這一年中將懷特的五部經典作品陸續嚮讀者呈現:年初,《人樹》《風暴眼》《樹葉裙》三部長篇代錶作率先問世,剛上市就收獲瞭讀者們的熱情支持,接連二印。 近日,懷特的另外兩部長篇...
評分2018年在三裏屯Page One偶然發現這本書,後來腦袋一熱就在亞馬遜上下單瞭。看這本書斷斷續續一共花瞭一年多的時間。 作者是Patrick White,澳大利亞人,一位諾貝爾奬得主,國內並沒有翻譯齣版很多他的書。《Riders in the Chariot》曾譯為《乘戰車的人》在80年代國內齣版過,現...
評分 評分 評分2018年在三裏屯Page One偶然發現這本書,後來腦袋一熱就在亞馬遜上下單瞭。看這本書斷斷續續一共花瞭一年多的時間。 作者是Patrick White,澳大利亞人,一位諾貝爾奬得主,國內並沒有翻譯齣版很多他的書。《Riders in the Chariot》曾譯為《乘戰車的人》在80年代國內齣版過,現...
There is another set of judgement made different from that we valued the earthly world; the evil has been displayed, the good deeds have been recognized, so the readers would receive consolation and confirmation, of the existence of faith, not necessarily in people, but in the elements of nature.
評分There is another set of judgement made different from that we valued the earthly world; the evil has been displayed, the good deeds have been recognized, so the readers would receive consolation and confirmation, of the existence of faith, not necessarily in people, but in the elements of nature.
評分There is another set of judgement made different from that we valued the earthly world; the evil has been displayed, the good deeds have been recognized, so the readers would receive consolation and confirmation, of the existence of faith, not necessarily in people, but in the elements of nature.
評分There is another set of judgement made different from that we valued the earthly world; the evil has been displayed, the good deeds have been recognized, so the readers would receive consolation and confirmation, of the existence of faith, not necessarily in people, but in the elements of nature.
評分There is another set of judgement made different from that we valued the earthly world; the evil has been displayed, the good deeds have been recognized, so the readers would receive consolation and confirmation, of the existence of faith, not necessarily in people, but in the elements of nature.
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