Bram Stoker was born on November 8, 1847, near Dublin, Ireland. Young Stoker suffered from a mysterious illness. Until age seven, he spent much of his time in bed, reading books and dreaming of becoming a famous writer. After graduating from college, Stoker worked as a civil servant in Dublin Castle but continued to write stories on the side. He had also been interested in vampires and spent several years researching these legends. In 1897, Dracula was published. It remains his most famous story, inspiring countless movies, books, TV shows, and Halloween masks. --This text refers to the Library Binding edition.
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这本书的画面感很强,很有电影的感觉,相当的流畅,有种行云流水的阅读感。而且阅读的过程中,一幅幅的场景不觉浮现眼前。是我喜欢的题材,而且里面的古堡,年代,服饰等等元素很有感染力。 情节安排的很紧凑,跌宕起伏,露西的死让人无可奈何,从不知道吸血鬼的存在到慢慢接受...
评分“当你沉睡着安息”,这个状语短语作为读后感的题目似乎有点吓人。 这是一部成书于十九世纪的吸血鬼小说,《德拉库拉》。作者是爱尔兰的布拉姆•斯托克。或许各位读到我文章的读者里有谁看过这部作品,但我相信那是少数。当然,我认为一篇好的读后感能够吸引读者去阅读这部作...
评分读这本书花了两个星期的时间,所以每天花在书上的时间是不多的,但这丝毫没有影响到我对这个故事的喜爱。 其实最早是看的电影。当时人还小,什么都不懂,口味也没现在那么重,所以看完电影只觉得有点肠胃不适的感觉,没觉得到底好在哪里。 上了大学看了中文版的原著。如果没...
评分电视台重播琼瑶旧作《烟雨濛濛》,刘雪华和秦汉的两个主角聊天谈到小说家,秦汉的角色发现刘雪华选的小说家都是遥远的时间成品,刘雪华的台词说:近现代的小说她看不懂,不愿意看。 自从解构主义和后现代之类的词汇流行以后,小说就不只是单纯的故事存在,它们的身价从...
Count Dracula is a vampire. He drinks people's blood. When he leaves his lonely castle in the mountains of Transylvania to come to England, Professor Helsing is the only one who understands the danger. But can he stop Dracula's deadly intentions? Bram Stoker's Dracula is the world's most famous horror story and has inspired many films.
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