Valerie Hansen is Professor of History at Yale University. She is the author of several books, including The Open Empire, Second Edition (2015), and, with Kenneth R. Curtis, Voyages in World History, Third Edition (2016).
The Silk Road: A New History with Documents 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
This is a fun small book covering the history of “the Silk Road” in ancient to medieval times based on a lot of archaeological evidences discovered in Western China and central Asia. The book pointed out some unknown but simple facts. People who used to l...
评分“丝绸之路”这个议题自李希霍芬在上上个世纪提出后,已有百多年历史,人们围绕这个主题,也作出了众多研究。同时,对西方古典学的研究也从另一个侧面证明了,这条横跨欧亚的物质、人力交流路线古已有之,由来已久。 这些观点已经得到学术界的普遍认同,并基本上塑造...
评分译后记 说起来,本书的翻译起源于一封豆邮。原著刚一出版,韩森教授就寄了一本给我。我第一时间读完之后在豆瓣上晒了一下,紧接着就收到编辑张鹏的豆邮要我翻译此书。我当时没想太多就应了下来,没成想这翻译工作比我想象的要艰难很多。 除了要克服自己的拖延症(这个最难!...
评分楼兰:公元前4000年,最早发现的“原住民”属于印欧人种,可能来自伊朗高原(小河墓地)--> 公元前后,由于贵霜王朝的衰落,北印度/健陀罗难民翻越山岭到达,带来佉卢文与佛教 --> 公元前77年,汉朝军队入侵,改名鄯善,后设西域都护府 --> 公元200 - 400年,鄯善王国...
图书标签: 中國研究 丝绸之路 韩森 世界史 耶鲁大学 海外汉学 歷史
The Silk Road is iconic in world history; but what was it, exactly? It conjures up a hazy image of a caravan of camels laden with silk on a dusty desert track, reaching from China to Rome. The reality was different--and far more interesting. In The Silk Road: A New History with Documents, Valerie Hansen describes the remarkable archeological finds that revolutionized our understanding of these trade routes. Hansen explores eight sites along the road, from Xi'an to Samarkand, where merchants, envoys, pilgrims, and travelers mixed in cosmopolitan communities, tolerant of religions from Buddhism to Zoroastrianism.
Designed for use in the classroom and based on the award-winning trade edition (OUP, 2012), The Silk Road: A New History with Documents offers a selection of excerpted primary sources in each chapter. The wide-ranging sources include memoirs of medieval Chinese monks and modern explorers, letters written by women, descriptions of towns, legal contracts, religious hymns, and many others. A new final chapter provides coverage of the Silk Road during the period of Mongol rule.
The Silk Road: A New History with Documents 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书