John Bunyan (baptised 30 November 1628-31 August 1688) was an English writer and preacher best remembered as the author of the religious allegory The Pilgrim's Progress. In addition to The Pilgrim "s Progress, Bunyan wrote nearly sixty titles, many of them expanded sermons.
Bunyan came from the village of Elstow, near Bedford. He had little schooling and at the age of sixteen joined the Parliamentary army during the first stage of the English Civil War. After three years in the army he returned to Elstow and took up the trade of tinker, which he had learnt from his father. He became interested in religion after his marriage, attending first the parish church and then joining the Bedford Meeting,a nonconformist group in Bedford, and-becoming a preacher. After the restoration of the monarch, when the freedom of nonconformists was curtailed, Bunyan was arrested and spent the next twelve years in gaol as he refused to undertake to give up preaching. During this time he wrote a spiritual autobiography, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, and began work on his most famous book, The Pilgrim's Progress, which was not published until some years after his release.
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基督徒從書中得知自己所居住的城市將遭天火毀滅,驚恐不已,受到指點後決定奔走天路尋求救贖。我在腦中以基督徒的身份試演瞭三種情景選擇,以下情景皆以第一人稱錶述: 情景選擇一:接受傳道者的指點,曆經艱難到達天國 我接受傳道者的指點,決定不管經曆怎樣的苦難,一定要到...
評分“一副天然的幻境,真實和虛妄的對照。” ——莎士比亞《第十二夜》 《天路曆程》的讀法有很多種瞭:純粹的宗教勸諭之作、寓言甚至是班揚的自傳,比如Thomas Scott注釋版的《天路曆程》裏,第一句話就被認為與班揚在貝德福德(Bedford)的牢獄生涯有關:“我在曠野裏行走,來到...
評分作品具有濃厚的基督教色彩,事實上就是一部“教訓”人如何能夠成為真正基督徒的作品。所以作品中的主人公的名字就直接叫“基督徒”和“女基督徒”。 本文有些擬人化,錶現著一個人如何能夠真正成為基督徒進入主的城市。本書分兩部,上部是男性的“基督徒”的經曆,下部則是其妻...
評分讀完這本書是很久之前瞭 然而始終不能忘記的就是最後的那條河 死瞭纔能進天堂 這樣的纔叫真正的拋棄一切浮華
評分圖書標籤: 英文原版 靈修神學 神學 文學 曆史神學
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