Enigma Variations 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
文/宝木笑 阅读《春日序曲》是件需要耐心且暗藏危险的事。安德烈•艾席蒙显然不想写一个过分用力的故事,因而在情节设置上他并没有掺杂太多的机巧,你必须足够耐心才能觉察其中的韵律。也许,这本小说更多的是这位走向古稀之年的作家在蓦然回首,他需要的是一部真实的小说,...
评分 评分又是一本 Aciman典型的诗一样的长句子,裹挟着诗一样的唯美气质,上一次是炙热如夏,那么这一次呢,恐怕就是,冬雪初融,万物复苏的春季暖阳了吧。 当我们在聊起安德烈·艾席蒙的时候,总会一起提起《请以你的名字呼唤我》,美的故事一向会和作者本人挂钩。但当我们在解释一段...
评分《春日序曲》是《请以你的名字呼唤我》原著作者安德烈·艾席蒙 的全新力作,这本书同样有同性爱情的描写,较之前作,这一次他做了更为大胆的尝试。读这本书的感觉就仿佛是他带着之前所有的小说,融合它们并让它们各放异彩。风险更大,要舍弃的更多。并且更加让人意想不到。 作者...
评分前两年上映的电影《请以你的名字呼唤我》,在美好的夏日时光中,讲述了一场细腻却感伤的初恋。同名小说也同样的出色,安德烈·艾席蒙在这本小说里向我们描绘出了地中海夏日感官的光芒,和充满欲望的日日夜夜。 所以当我读《春日序曲》时,我很难不联想到《请以你的名字呼唤我》...
图书标签: Andre_Aciman LGBT Aciman 小说 外国文学 青春 美国 意大利
Italy, where as a boy he has a crush on his parents’ cabinetmaker, or a snowbound campus in New
England, where his enduring passion for a girl he’ll meet again and again over the years is punctuated
by anonymous encounters with men; whether he’s on a tennis court in Central Park, or on a New York sidewalk in early spring, his attachments are ungraspable, transient, and forever underwritten by raw desire―not for just one person’s body but, inevitably, for someone else’s as well.
In Enigma Variations, Aciman maps the most inscrutable corners of passion, proving to be an unsparing
reader of the human psyche and a master stylist. With language at once lyrical, bare-knuckled,
and unabashedly candid, he casts a sensuous, shimmering light over each facet of desire to probe how
we ache, want, and waver, and ultimately how we sometimes falter and let go of those who may want
to offer only what we crave from them. Ahead of every step Paul takes, his hopes, denials, fears, and
regrets are always ready to lay their traps. Yet the dream of love lingers. We may not always know what we want. We may remain
评分Enigma variation: A fucking miserable life. Thousand words stuck inside. Love is a trap, or a loop that we chased but never reach the end. Since the crowd passing by, we spying, questioning, struggling, finally been wiping. Till the end of the line which we met the very last enigma, I secretly live, my loves secretly die.
评分好久没有看到一本书能够如此这般的描写爱情了,不论性别,不论年龄。爱情啊,真是最好的话题。 也许有些人阅后会举起一枚道德旗帜。但那些自私,欲望,不忠,徘徊,臆想不就是最炽热的爱的模样吗。在爱情里我们应该忠于自己还是忠于我们爱的人,抑或是忠于爱情本身?我没有答案。 对于爱情我们仍知之甚少,也许这本书可以告诉你一些些。 另外作者对心理活动状态的描写太棒,层层拨开,描写出心底的欲望。想必Goodreads上应有成千上万的摘抄吧。 “I do like how you write this stories”
Enigma Variations 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书