About the Author
Andrzej Sapkowski was born in 1948 in Poland. He studied economy and business, but the success of his fantasy cycle about the sorcerer Geralt of Rivia turned him into a bestselling writer. He is now one of Poland's most famous and successful authors.
The Witcher returns in this action-packed sequel to The Tower of Swallows, in the New York Times bestselling series that inspired The Witcher video games.
After walking through the portal in the Tower of Swallows while narrowly escaping death, Ciri finds herself in a completely different world... an Elven world. She is trapped with no way out. Time does not seem to exist and there are no obvious borders or portals to cross back into her home world.
But this is Ciri, the child of prophecy, and she will not be defeated. She knows she must escape to finally rejoin the Witcher, Geralt, and his companions - and also to try to conquer her worst nightmare. Leo Bonhart, the man who chased, wounded and tortured Ciri, is still on her trail. And the world is still at war.
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圖書標籤: 奇幻 波蘭 AndrzejSapkowski 小說 英文原版 獵魔人係列 安德烈·斯帕剋沃斯基 獵魔人小說大結局
不喜歡這一本 邊看邊在心裏吐槽 唯一看得進去的也就一傢三口團聚的那段瞭
評分雖然對長篇正傳最後一部有一些失望的地方,比如葉奈法,傑洛特和希裏之間的感情描寫(內容太少,不夠清晰,就這麼結束瞭),還有就是傑洛特的隊友們,米爾瓦,卡西爾,雷吉斯和安古蘭,死得太突然,而且毫無意義(估計CDP比我更遺憾,所以纔會有血與酒中雷吉斯的復活?)。但是我對這一部中所謂又臭又長的戰爭場麵描寫還是很喜歡的,因為畢竟作者筆下的是整個獵魔人世界,不僅僅是傑洛特一傢三口的那些事,而是在獵魔人世界中戰爭時期的眾生相。還有就是這部直接使用瞭“亞瑟王之死”中的情節,意嚮之類的,比如the lady of the lake這個名字和形象,尋找聖杯的加拉哈特以及最後推入水中的木舟,這些大概意象大概就是像我們中國人口中的典故吧。最後,我無論如何都會毫不猶豫地給5星的!
評分係列最不喜歡一本,主要因為戰爭場景實在是太長瞭和主綫劇情也沒有那麼多關係……可以說又臭又長瞭——而且真的,這種群像巨幅形式的構架不是個人都能把控的,明顯這本玩脫瞭。還是短片好,尤其是Little eye和白狼那篇。
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