斯蒂芬·金(Stephen King,1947年—)
Stephen King's second novel, the classic vampire bestseller "'SALEM'S LOT," tells the story of evil in small-town America. 'Salem's Lot is a small New England town with white clapboard houses, tree-lined streets, and solid church steeples. That summer in 'salem's Lot was a summer of homecoming and return; spring burned out and the land lying dry, crackling underfoot. Late that summer, Ben Mears returned to 'salem's Lot hoping to cast out his own devils and found instead a new, unspeakable horror. A stranger had also come to the Lot, a stranger with a secret as old as evil, a secret that would wreak irreparable harm on those he touched and in turn on those they loved. All would be changed forever: Susan, whose love for Ben could not protect her; Father Callahan, the bad priest who put his eroded faith to one last test; and Mark, a young boy who sees his fantasy world become reality and ironically proves the best equipped to handle the relentless nightmare of 'Salem's Lot. This is a rare novel, almost hypnotic in its unyielding suspense, which builds to a climax of classic terror. You will not forget the town of 'salem's Lot nor any of the people who used to live here.
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放進手裏是沉甸甸的,因為是厚厚的兩大本,當初就想即使內容不好,單是閱讀後的成就感就能滿足自我的一份虛榮瞭。 推薦理由:必須靜下心來,代入式的仔細閱讀,纔是體驗樂趣的不二法門。
評分 評分金的強項仍然大放異彩:草蛇灰綫綿延韆裏,到高潮時一支穿雲箭便有韆軍萬馬來相見;恐怖氣氛的營造,活屍窗外的呼喚栩栩如真令人毛骨悚然。 但搞定吸血鬼的橋段太老套,聖經、十字架、玫瑰花、聖水、大蒜、木樁。。。。。。。,德拉庫拉爵爺想換個死法都難。 推陳齣新,是對金...
評分放進手裏是沉甸甸的,因為是厚厚的兩大本,當初就想即使內容不好,單是閱讀後的成就感就能滿足自我的一份虛榮瞭。 推薦理由:必須靜下心來,代入式的仔細閱讀,纔是體驗樂趣的不二法門。
評分這是我看的金的第5或者第6本小說. 實在忍不住來評論一下. 開始的100頁左右依然是無盡的平鋪直敘. 如果熬不過這100頁, 就體會不到後麵的樂趣. 熬過瞭這100頁就會發現, 前麵的敘述完全不是廢話. 有人說金的書有著電影劇本一樣的細緻描述. 但這種對準確的描述對中國讀者來說是...
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