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The Future Is History 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

The Future Is History


The Future Is History 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介

Masha Gessen is a staff writer at the New Yorker and the author of several books, among them The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin. The recipient of numerous awards, including a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Carnegie Fellowship, Gessen teaches at Amherst College and lives in New York City.

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The Future Is History 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

The Future Is History 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

The Future Is History 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

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I think a better title for this book is something like "A General Survey of Recent Russian Political History: How Intelligent Russians were Forced to Leave the Country". I don't think the author gives a convincing or well-argued answer to the actual questio...


I think a better title for this book is something like "A General Survey of Recent Russian Political History: How Intelligent Russians were Forced to Leave the Country". I don't think the author gives a convincing or well-argued answer to the actual questio...


I think a better title for this book is something like "A General Survey of Recent Russian Political History: How Intelligent Russians were Forced to Leave the Country". I don't think the author gives a convincing or well-argued answer to the actual questio...


I think a better title for this book is something like "A General Survey of Recent Russian Political History: How Intelligent Russians were Forced to Leave the Country". I don't think the author gives a convincing or well-argued answer to the actual questio...


I think a better title for this book is something like "A General Survey of Recent Russian Political History: How Intelligent Russians were Forced to Leave the Country". I don't think the author gives a convincing or well-argued answer to the actual questio...

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出版者:Riverhead Books
作者:Masha Gessen
价格:USD 28.00

图书标签: 历史  俄罗斯  苏联  美国国家图书奖  社科-Politics  history  美国  社科   

The Future Is History 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述

Putin’s bestselling biographer reveals how, in the space of a generation, Russia surrendered to a more virulent and invincible new strain of autocracy.

Hailed for her “fearless indictment of the most powerful man in Russia” (The Wall Street Journal), award-winning journalist Masha Gessen is unparalleled in her understanding of the events and forces that have wracked her native country in recent times. In The Future Is History, she follows the lives of four people born at what promised to be the dawn of democracy. Each of them came of age with unprecedented expectations, some as the children and grandchildren of the very architects of the new Russia, each with newfound aspirations of their own—as entrepreneurs, activists, thinkers, and writers, sexual and social beings.

Gessen charts their paths against the machinations of the regime that would crush them all, and against the war it waged on understanding itself, which ensured the unobstructed reemergence of the old Soviet order in the form of today’s terrifying and seemingly unstoppable mafia state. Powerful and urgent, The Future Is History is a cautionary tale for our time and for all time.

The Future Is History 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

The Future Is History 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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The Future Is History 2024 pdf epub mobi 用户评价




真是一本让人拍案叫好,却又瑟瑟发抖的书。看完之后差点哭出来了,时机简直不能更碰巧了。作者真的很会写书,先把历史介绍一遍,很用心地铺垫了苏联坍塌的环境,从几个比较有独特视角的人物身上出发,讲述了俄罗斯的“近代史”。很难不对号入座,差点以为自己在看“大清”近代史。最让我喜欢的是用Gudkov, Arendt这些学者的totalitarianism理论来相互对照比较,指出了很多非常让人深思的点。在讨论专制人民文化的时候也是非常精彩,一次次告诉读者:他们之所以会有这样的想法,是因为这才是真正的正常人的想法,虽然霸道、蛮横,但却不与专制社会环境背道而驰。读到最后一部分的时候,终于被作者多次点题的"the future is history"拍醒。非常棒的书。


最后Arutyunyan对于弗洛伊德Death Drive的思考让人迷惘,国家是否也会具备这样的心智模式?关于苏联旧生活的追忆、年轻一代消费习性的变迁;Homo sovieticus的概念被裹挟在无限的螺旋式谎言之中:假装存在、拥有和相信,同时也在假装不存在、不拥有和不相信。


最后Arutyunyan对于弗洛伊德Death Drive的思考让人迷惘,国家是否也会具备这样的心智模式?关于苏联旧生活的追忆、年轻一代消费习性的变迁;Homo sovieticus的概念被裹挟在无限的螺旋式谎言之中:假装存在、拥有和相信,同时也在假装不存在、不拥有和不相信。



The Future Is History 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书





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