As the knitting population grows, many enthusiasts are seeking ideas for taking their designs in new directions, and felting, the art of shrinking your knitting, is often the next step. "Fabulous and Flirty Felt" contains felted projects that are bright, sassy, stylish, and fun. It includes basic knitting, crocheting, felting and yarn-dyeing techniques in addition to project patterns, and each project contains a basic pattern and incorporates unique variations. The bags use funky novelty yarn such as eyelash or ribbon yarn, while other projects feature knitted bobbles, crochet trim, knitted fringe, or eyelet holes with grosgrain ribbon trim. Specialty yarns including hemp and boucle are also incorporated into the patterns, resulting in unique and fun handbags, accessories and home decor. All of the pattern projects contain detailed instructions that are easy to follow and accessible to new knitters and felters alike.
Fabulous and Flirty Felt 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Fabulous and Flirty Felt 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載