Sasha Su-Ling Welland is Associate Professor of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Washington and author of A Thousand Miles of Dreams: The Journeys of Two Chinese Sisters.
Experimental Beijing 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 人类学 contemporary_art Beijing 中国研究 China_studies 艺术 电影节研究 海外中国研究
During the lead-up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the censorious attitude that characterized China's post-1989 official response to contemporary art gave way to a new market-driven, culture industry valuation of art. Experimental artists who once struggled against state regulation of artistic expression found themselves being courted to advance China's international image. In Experimental Beijing Sasha Su-Ling Welland examines the interlocking power dynamics in this transformational moment and rapid rise of Chinese contemporary art into a global phenomenon. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork and experience as a videographer and curator, Welland analyzes encounters between artists, curators, officials, and urban planners as they negotiated the social role of art and built new cultural institutions. Focusing on the contradictions and exclusions that emerged, Welland traces the complex gender politics involved and shows that feminist forms of art practice hold the potential to reshape consciousness, produce a nonnormative history of Chinese contemporary art, and imagine other, more just worlds.
评分最开始是导师说让我学习借鉴一下这本书的写作方式,结果一读就爱不释手了,怎么做到把人类学研究写得这么好看!观点精准,话题有趣,细节丰富,总在合适的地方真诚抒发一些个人体验,且把自己位置摆得让人舒服,这对于ethnographic research真的很难,尤其是让被研究人群感到舒服。最核心观点应该是feminist art在中国为何这么难?一方面feminism这个词在中文环境下的多种翻译说法本身就消解了它的力量;更重要的,在新中国女性解放历史根基和西方女权艺术发展潮流中无法调和,如果重自己的根基则会在世界范围显得太社会主义,但切除自己的根基效法西方又会显得虚浮跟风…再加上社会环境因素,总之太难了!解决方式只能是不断挖掘自己的个体,三个具体案例很扎实,自带异常丰富的理解角度,太好了。
评分最开始是导师说让我学习借鉴一下这本书的写作方式,结果一读就爱不释手了,怎么做到把人类学研究写得这么好看!观点精准,话题有趣,细节丰富,总在合适的地方真诚抒发一些个人体验,且把自己位置摆得让人舒服,这对于ethnographic research真的很难,尤其是让被研究人群感到舒服。最核心观点应该是feminist art在中国为何这么难?一方面feminism这个词在中文环境下的多种翻译说法本身就消解了它的力量;更重要的,在新中国女性解放历史根基和西方女权艺术发展潮流中无法调和,如果重自己的根基则会在世界范围显得太社会主义,但切除自己的根基效法西方又会显得虚浮跟风…再加上社会环境因素,总之太难了!解决方式只能是不断挖掘自己的个体,三个具体案例很扎实,自带异常丰富的理解角度,太好了。
评分art & anthropology;全书三个part每个部分侧重点挺不一样的,part1关于new estate industry和当代艺术的联系大概是对我而言最relatable的,part2重在Chinses feminist art遭受的double binds,part3的案例很有意思,尤其是三位艺术家都是来自北京以外off-center的地区。全书最让我感到眼前一亮的是作者对艺术家作品的分析解读,而身为人类学者又有极强的contextualization意识,此书对于“中国女性主义”这一议题应该是个很有价值的补充(同时也充满人类学的温度-the chapter on Li Tianpian is golden)。
Experimental Beijing 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书