About the Author
Bill Wagner is one of the world’s foremost C# developers, a member of the ECMA C# Standards Committee, and author of all three editions of Effective C#. He is president of the Humanitarian Toolbox, has been awarded Microsoft Regional Director and .NET MVP for 11 years, and was recently appointed to the .NET Foundation Advisory Council. Wagner has helped companies ranging from start-ups to enterprises to improve development processes and grow development teams. Now a member of Microsoft’s .NET Core content team, he creates developer learning materials on the C# language and .NET Core.
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In More Effective C#, Second Edition, world-renowned .NET expert Bill Wagner identifies and illuminates 50 intermediate-to-advanced techniques for writing exceptionally robust and well-performing C# 7.0 code. Reflecting the growing sophistication of the C# language and its development community, Wagner presents powerful new solutions to problems you’re likely to encounter every day.
Through three editions of Effective C#, Wagner’s clear explanations, expert tips, and realistic code examples have proven invaluable to hundreds of thousands of developers. With the publication of this title, Effective C#, Third Edition, and More Effective C#, Second Edition, have been completely reorganized to provide clear explanations, expert tips, and realistic code examples in a cohesive package for modern C#. More Effective C#, Second Edition, brings the same proven approach to the new features in C# 7.0, helping you perform familiar tasks more efficiently and effectively.
Drawing on his unsurpassed C# experience and key role on global C# standards committees, Wagner addresses object-oriented, functional, and service-oriented approaches to managing data with C#; better ways to express your intent to users and other programmers; and new opportunities to leverage powerful asynchronous and dynamic programming techniques.
Use properties instead of accessible data members (Item 1) Distinguish between value and reference types (Item 4) Understand relationships among multiple concepts of equality (Item 9) Avoid conversion operators in your APIs (Item 11) Understand how interface and virtual methods differ (Item 15) Avoid overloading methods defined in base classes (Item 19) Create method groups that are clear, minimal, and complete (Item 22) Enable immediate error reporting in iterators and async methods (Item 26) Use async methods for async work (Item 27) Avoid thread allocations and context switches (Item 30) Construct PLINQ parallel algorithms with exceptions in mind (Item 36) Use the thread pool instead of creating threads (Item 37) Use BackgroundWorker for cross-thread communication (Item 38) Use the smallest possible scope for lock handles (Item 41) Understand the pros and cons of dynamic programming (Item 43) Make full use of the expression API (Item 46) Minimize dynamic objects in public APIs (Item 47)
You’re already a successful C# programmer: this book will make you an outstanding one.
Content Update Program: This book is part of the InformIT Content Update Program. As updates are made to C#, sections of this book will be updated or new sections will be added to match updates to the technologies.
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More Effective C# (Includes Content Update Program): 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C# (2nd Editio 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
這本書的魅力在於很符閤“立竿見影”的實惠文化。全書給齣很多具體的編程方法,拓寬你的思路,這點是很吸引人的,我就是在讀《框架設計C# via CLR》的途中被吸引,快速讀完的。需要一定的實踐經驗而且對C# 3.0的一些新語言特性有所瞭解(至少要知道什麽意思,如果不清楚可以...
評分很多年前看過Bill Wagner的《Effective C#》第一版,涵蓋瞭C#2.0相關語言特性的最佳實踐,教我們怎樣更優雅地去編寫C#代碼,當時覺得受益匪淺。最近拿到瞭《More Effective C#》第二版,目前看瞭大概三分之二,讓我對C#的的應用有瞭更深入的瞭解,書雖沒看完,但還是要推薦一下...
評分書大部分內容都比較深入。由於沒有用過LINQ,所以關於LINQ的那章略過沒有讀。 每個建議都是實踐經驗的終結,對於有一定C#使用經驗的程序員能起到畫龍點睛的作用。本書對於初學者不太適閤,初學者可以去看Effective C#(第二版已經齣版,但國內還沒有引進,可以稍稍等等,第一版...
評分這本書的魅力在於很符閤“立竿見影”的實惠文化。全書給齣很多具體的編程方法,拓寬你的思路,這點是很吸引人的,我就是在讀《框架設計C# via CLR》的途中被吸引,快速讀完的。需要一定的實踐經驗而且對C# 3.0的一些新語言特性有所瞭解(至少要知道什麽意思,如果不清楚可以...
評分這本書的魅力在於很符閤“立竿見影”的實惠文化。全書給齣很多具體的編程方法,拓寬你的思路,這點是很吸引人的,我就是在讀《框架設計C# via CLR》的途中被吸引,快速讀完的。需要一定的實踐經驗而且對C# 3.0的一些新語言特性有所瞭解(至少要知道什麽意思,如果不清楚可以...
圖書標籤: C #編程語言 computer
More Effective C# (Includes Content Update Program): 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C# (2nd Editio 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載