David Patterson is the Pardee Professor of Computer Science, Emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley, which he joined after graduating from UCLA in 1977.His teaching has been honored by the Distinguished Teaching Award from the University of California, the Karlstrom Award from ACM, and the Mulligan Education Medal and Undergraduate Teaching Award from IEEE. Prof. Patterson received the IEEE Technical Achievement Award and the ACM Eckert-Mauchly Award for contributions to RISC, and he shared the IEEE Johnson Information Storage Award for contributions to RAID. He also shared the IEEE John von Neumann Medal and the C & C Prize with John Hennessy. Like his co-author, Prof. Patterson is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Computer History Museum, ACM, and IEEE, and he was elected to the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Silicon Valley Engineering Hall of Fame. He served on the Information Technology Advisory Committee to the U.S. President, as chair of the CS division in the Berkeley EECS department, as chair of the Computing Research Association, and as President of ACM. This record led to Distinguished Service Awards from ACM, CRA, and SIGARCH.
John L. Hennessy is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Stanford University, where he has been a member of the faculty since 1977 and was, from 2000 to 2016, its tenth President. Prof. Hennessy is a Fellow of the IEEE and ACM; a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Science, and the American Philosophical Society; and a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Among his many awards are the 2001 Eckert-Mauchly Award for his contributions to RISC technology, the 2001 Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award, and the 2000 John von Neumann Award, which he shared with David Patterson. He has also received seven honorary doctorates.
Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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评分在书的 "3.5.1 浮点表示" 一节有个翻译错误,可能影响对 IEEE 浮点数表示法的理解。 原文:"Placing the exponent before the significand also simplifies the SORTING of floating-point numbers using integer comparison instructions, since numbers with bigger exponen...
评分书籍说明 与计算机系统结构那本书同作者 怪不得,我说怎么这么眼熟呢 同样是大牛的作品,值得推荐 如果要在计算机硬件方面入门并学到一定程度,推荐和系统结构那本书一起读 毕竟同样作者写的,比较有连贯性,书中例子也足够的好 首先用这本书夯实计算机组成的基础,然后...
评分微机原理这本教材,不仅在知识层面对我等电子学子造成了难以愈合的创伤,更以其令人发指的卖萌在创口上撒了一把盐…… 以下内容为《计算机组成与设计:硬件/软件接口》中所有可以找到的题记,如有纰漏还请见谅。感谢@JimD 同学的工作 前言 我们能体验的最美好的东西是...
评分感觉这本书一遍下来并不能看通透,比如第四章的流水线那里,我开始看不下去了. 以下为部分摘抄. 发展趋势:并行的处理方式. 1.4如何衡量机器的性能呢? .cpu时间: 用户cpu时间 系统cpu时间 具体的衡量cpu性能: cpu时间=指令数*cpi*时钟周期 1.5 功耗墙 功耗=负载电容*开...
图书标签: RISC-V 体系结构 计算机体系结构 计算机科学 计算机 计算机技术 英文原版 riscv
The new RISC-V Edition of Computer Organization and Design features the RISC-V open source instruction set architecture, the first open source architecture designed to be used in modern computing environments such as cloud computing, mobile devices, and other embedded systems.
With the post-PC era now upon us, Computer Organization and Design moves forward to explore this generational change with examples, exercises, and material highlighting the emergence of mobile computing and the Cloud. Updated content featuring tablet computers, Cloud infrastructure, and the x86 (cloud computing) and ARM (mobile computing devices) architectures is included.
An online companion Web site provides advanced content for further study, appendices, glossary, references, and recommended reading.
Features RISC-V, the first such architecture designed to be used in modern computing environments, such as cloud computing, mobile devices, and other embedded systems
Includes relevant examples, exercises, and material highlighting the emergence of mobile computing and the cloud
没有讲 IO,不知道为啥????
Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书