复旦大学英文教授,词典编撰家、散文家、翻译家,主编有《英汉大词典》、《汉英大词典》等影响深远的词典多部,并有《余墨集》、《余墨二集》和《莎士比亚研究十讲》等文集,《幼狮》、《星期一的故事》等译著行世。1994年,他以最高票数获选“复旦大学杰出教授”。 《大河恋》是他的最新译作。
A River Runs Through it and Other Stories 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《大河恋》是芝加哥大学文学教授诺曼·麦克林恩七十多岁时写就的自传性小说,其中收录了麦克林恩的三篇小说,我最喜欢第一篇同名故事。读完之后,仿佛有股清凉的河水从心间流过,内心的焦躁被抚平,心瞬间就安静下来了。 在美国西部小城米苏拉,层峦叠嶂,河水悠悠。诺...
评分 评分关于垂钓技术的描述,大约除去专业钓鱼手册,不会有比《一江流过水悠悠》更详尽的了。按说,蝇饵投钓如此专门的技术贯穿全书,且术语不断、巨细靡遗,极易成为与故事不相容的“赘疣”,如中国的《镜花缘》中作者万花筒式炫技一般。不过,美国作家诺曼•麦克林恩全无炫耀之...
评分就算身边的人 再熟悉的亲人 我们都没能真正了解 但我们依旧可以爱他们 用我们的所有去爱 就算身边的人 再熟悉的亲人 我们都没能真正了解 但我们依旧可以爱他们 用我们的所有去爱 就算身边的人 再熟悉的亲人 我们都没能真正了解 但我们依旧可以爱他们 用我们的所有去...
图书标签: 生活
Norman Maclean grew up in the western Rocky Mountains in the first decades of the 20th century. As a young man he worked many summers in logging camps and for the United States Forest Service. The two novellas and short story in this collection are based on his own experiences - the experiences of a young man who found that life was only a step from art in its structures and beauty. The beauty he found was in reality, and so he leaves a careful record of what it was like to work in the woods when it was still a world of horse and hand and foot, without power saws, "cats" or four-wheel drives. Populated with drunks, loggers, cardsharps and whores, and set in the small towns and surrounding trout streams and mountains of western Montana, the stories concern themselves with the complexities of fly fishing, logging, fighting forest fires, playing cribbage and being a husband, a son and a father. By turns raunchy, poignant, caustic and elegaic, these are tales which express, in Maclean's own words, "a little of the love I have for the earth as it goes by". A first offering from a 70-year-old writer, the basis for a top-grossing movie, and the first original fiction published by the University of Chicago Press, "A River Runs Through It and Other Stories" has sold more than a million copies.
A River Runs Through it and Other Stories 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书