Persuasion , by Jane Austen , is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics : New introductions commissioned from today's top writers and scholars Biographies of the authors Chronologies of contemporary historical, biographical, and cultural events Footnotes and endnotes Selective discussions of imitations, parodies, poems, books, plays, paintings, operas, statuary, and films inspired by the work Comments by other famous authors Study questions to challenge the reader's viewpoints and expectations Bibliographies for further reading Indices & Glossaries, when appropriateAll editions are beautifully designed and are printed to superior specifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. Barnes & Noble Classics pulls together a constellation of influences—biographical, historical, and literary—to enrich each reader's understanding of these enduring works. In her final novel, as in her earlier ones, Jane Austen uses a love story to explore and gently satirize social pretensions and emotional confusion. Persuasion follows the romance of Anne Elliot and naval officer Frederick Wentworth. They were happily engaged until Anne’s friend, Lady Russell, persuaded her that Frederick was “unworthy.” Now, eight years later, Frederick returns, a wealthy captain in the navy, while Anne’s family teeters on the edge of bankruptcy. They still love each other, but their past mistakes threaten to keep them apart.
Austen may seem to paint on a small canvas, but her characters contain the full range of human passion and moral complexity, and the author’s generous spirit renders them all with understanding, compassion, and humor.
Susan ostrov Weisser is a professor of English at Adelphi University, where she specializes in nineteenth-century literature and women’s studies. Weisser also wrote the introduction to the Barnes & Noble Classics edition of Jane Eyre .
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這是簡最為傷感的作品。 早年那個輕鬆歡快的麗萃終於變成瞭隱忍沉靜的安妮,姑娘還是那個姑娘,就是老瞭。雅緻的嘲諷依舊,但那已非小女孩的玩笑而是滄桑過後對人世的批判。我看到的是簡的宿命和無奈,那個可愛的溫特沃斯何嘗不是達西的化身,那是簡給自己的又一個安慰,同時又...
評分《勸導》是簡·奧斯汀一生中最後完成的小說。當時她已因某種不明原因的慢性絕癥去往巴思地區做礦泉水治療,但礦泉水療效欠佳,她離開人世時纔四十歲。所以《勸導》一書中部分情節發生在巴思,巴思吵鬧而喧嘩的人世裏蘊含著某種生命的活力,她說。 沒落的準貴族傢有三個...
評分依舊是奧斯汀的作品,《勸導》要比《愛瑪》薄一半,卻比《愛瑪》緊湊得多、動人得多。果斷拋棄紀錄片風格的全對白式寫作法,奧斯汀以傳統的旁觀者的身份講故事,很快打動瞭我的心。 這是一個簡單卻討巧的故事,凱利奇莊園的沃爾特.埃利奧特公爵有三個女兒,伊麗莎白、安妮和瑪...
評分“幾乎沒有一個女人能拒絕簡•奧斯汀。”記不得是在哪裏看過這麼一句話。雖然不知道其他女同胞們怎麼看,我自己是非常喜歡簡•奧斯汀的小說的。她的小說中關於婚姻和愛情的主題是人類永遠探討的話題;即使拋開主題,單就她的諷刺藝術而言,就是很值得研究和學習的瞭。 ...
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