[希]安德烈亚斯·M. 安东波罗斯
Andreas M. Antonopoulos是备受好评的畅销书作家、演讲家和教育家,也是世界上最重要的比特币和开放式区块链专家之一。Andreas善于化繁为简,让普通人理解深奥的技术话题。
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Gavin Wood博士是以太坊的联合创始人和前首席技术官,也是Solidity面向合约编程语言的发明人。他还是Web3基金会的创始人兼总裁,也是Parity Technologies的创始人兼首席程序员。
Mastering Ethereum 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
Andreas Antonopoulos 的上本书《Mastering Bitcoin》相当好。 这本书不是 Andreas 独自操刀,而是团队合作了,目前来看仍然保留了 Mastering Bitcoin 的风格,在 https://github.com/ethereumbook/ethereumbook 能看到最新进展,期待尽早完工!
评分Andreas Antonopoulos 的上本书《Mastering Bitcoin》相当好。 这本书不是 Andreas 独自操刀,而是团队合作了,目前来看仍然保留了 Mastering Bitcoin 的风格,在 https://github.com/ethereumbook/ethereumbook 能看到最新进展,期待尽早完工!
评分Andreas Antonopoulos 的上本书《Mastering Bitcoin》相当好。 这本书不是 Andreas 独自操刀,而是团队合作了,目前来看仍然保留了 Mastering Bitcoin 的风格,在 https://github.com/ethereumbook/ethereumbook 能看到最新进展,期待尽早完工!
评分Andreas Antonopoulos 的上本书《Mastering Bitcoin》相当好。 这本书不是 Andreas 独自操刀,而是团队合作了,目前来看仍然保留了 Mastering Bitcoin 的风格,在 https://github.com/ethereumbook/ethereumbook 能看到最新进展,期待尽早完工!
评分Andreas Antonopoulos 的上本书《Mastering Bitcoin》相当好。 这本书不是 Andreas 独自操刀,而是团队合作了,目前来看仍然保留了 Mastering Bitcoin 的风格,在 https://github.com/ethereumbook/ethereumbook 能看到最新进展,期待尽早完工!
图书标签: 区块链 以太坊 区块链技术 Ethereum 计算机 数学和计算机
2019-03-30: Finished in a couple of hours. Surprisingly, the book feels much shorter and less difficult to read than expected. Maybe because my knowledge is already there. The part on smart contract security has detailed cases -- lessons costly learned. 2019-07-21: largely inadequate in the context of recent developments (e.g. eth2)
评分2019-03-30: Finished in a couple of hours. Surprisingly, the book feels much shorter and less difficult to read than expected. Maybe because my knowledge is already there. The part on smart contract security has detailed cases -- lessons costly learned. 2019-07-21: largely inadequate in the context of recent developments (e.g. eth2)
评分Catching up
评分2019-03-30: Finished in a couple of hours. Surprisingly, the book feels much shorter and less difficult to read than expected. Maybe because my knowledge is already there. The part on smart contract security has detailed cases -- lessons costly learned. 2019-07-21: largely inadequate in the context of recent developments (e.g. eth2)
评分不错的导论,如果只要概览这一本已经足够。但要了解具体的专题和细节还是需要去读 ethereum wiki 和 solidity 的文档
Mastering Ethereum 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书