一八九三年,塞耶斯齣生於英國牛津一個牧師傢庭,很小便開始學習拉丁語和法語,十九歲考入牛津大學,專修中世紀文學,是第一批獲得牛津大學學位的女性之 一。畢業後她先是任職於齣版社,後成為廣告公司撰稿人。在此期間,她開始醞釀寫作偵探小說,並於一九二三年發錶瞭首部作品《誰的屍體》(Whose Body?),彼得•溫西勛爵首次齣場。此後,塞耶斯為這位貴族業餘神探創作瞭十多部小說,溫西勛爵成為廣受讀者喜愛的偵探人物。他幽默風趣,齣語不凡, 學識淵博,愛好收藏珍本書,喜歡品酒、彈鋼琴,有個聰明、體貼的男僕,算得上是塞耶斯心目中理想的男人形象。最初他多少有些喜歡賣弄,愛齣風頭;隨著作品 的不斷問世,塞耶斯讓他的個性逐步得到發展,成為一個越發穩重、成熟的形象。最終,溫西勛爵在一九三七年的《巴士司機的蜜月》(Busman 8 Honeymoon)中退場,此後隻偶爾齣現於短篇小說中。
Filled with hundreds of specific examples and organized into a coherent framework of practical concepts that can be applied by managers and entrepreneurs at all levels, Built to Last provides a master blueprint for building organizations that will prosper in the 21st century and beyond. In Good to Great, the most widely anticipated management book of the year, Jim Collins presents nothing less than a recipe book on how to make a good company great. Following the success of his international blockbuster Built to Last, where he and co-author Jerry Porras discovered the secrets of companies that were outstanding at their founding and then sustained greatness, Collins wondered what could be done for the company that is good or mediocre at best? He questioned whether there have been companies that started weak and finished strong, and if so, what can be said about these companies that might help managers turn a mediocre organization into a great one? So Collins and his research team undertook a massive five year study of every company that has made the Fortune 500 since the advent of that listing in 1965, and has crafted a book as practical and insightful as BUILT TO LAST. This exclusive deluxe box set brings together the two most important business books of the last decade from Jim Collins, the leader in modern business theory.
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沒有封麵,沒有介紹,沒有定價……就一個書名,而且是改過的,也沒放上原書名,都不知道是哪本,這種貼子有什麼意義呢?樓主隻想搶著第一個發錶嗎?真無聊。 不選擇一個評價不讓發帖,先尊重一下編輯的勞動,推薦吧。
評分沒有封麵,沒有介紹,沒有定價……就一個書名,而且是改過的,也沒放上原書名,都不知道是哪本,這種貼子有什麼意義呢?樓主隻想搶著第一個發錶嗎?真無聊。 不選擇一個評價不讓發帖,先尊重一下編輯的勞動,推薦吧。
評分說說塞奶奶這個人。 她是個教職人員的女兒(《九麯喪鍾》裏那個忘東忘西的教區長就是以她老爹為原型的),有過法國傢庭教師,之後是寄宿學校和牛津大學,不過,多蘿西女士可不是嚴謹無趣的女學究。她錶麵天真純樸,又長於誘惑,在大學期間追求者甚眾。不過她第一段認真的感情卻...
評分1,塞耶斯真的很著迷福爾摩斯<--這是廢話。書裏有十次左右明著暗著涉及福爾摩斯。 2,塞奶奶果然是技術流。這讓本書略有一點沉悶,囉嗦。最後有一大段很關鍵的純技術分析,被我跳過瞭。。。不知道還有沒有機會認真看這一部分。 3,本來對中文書名很不滿,什麼跟什麼呀,和英文...
評分沒有封麵,沒有介紹,沒有定價……就一個書名,而且是改過的,也沒放上原書名,都不知道是哪本,這種貼子有什麼意義呢?樓主隻想搶著第一個發錶嗎?真無聊。 不選擇一個評價不讓發帖,先尊重一下編輯的勞動,推薦吧。
圖書標籤: 王木木探案全集 推理 多蘿西•L.塞耶斯 thriller mystery/thriller library detective LordPeterWimsey
listened already to abridged and dramatized, would very much like to read the whole thing, only both libraries don't have it...
評分listened already to abridged and dramatized, would very much like to read the whole thing, only both libraries don't have it...
評分(1932) R4 Ian Carmichael as Lord Peter Wimsey (no 7), Maria Aitken as Harriet Vane (no 2). 咦 今天的兩個故事都是關於凝血的
評分listened already to abridged and dramatized, would very much like to read the whole thing, only both libraries don't have it...
評分listened already to abridged and dramatized, would very much like to read the whole thing, only both libraries don't have it...
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