尼剋·德納索(Nick Drnaso),1989 年齣生於伊利諾伊州帕洛斯山市,是一位作傢和圖畫小說傢。他的第一本書《貝弗莉》獲得瞭洛杉磯時報圖書奬的最佳圖像小說奬項;《消失的塞布麗娜》則是首部入圍布剋奬的圖像小說的作品。現在他和妻子還有三隻貓一起住在芝加哥。
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Rate your overall mood from 1 to 5, 1 being poor. Rate your stress level from 1 to 5, 5 being severe. Are you experiencing depression or thoughts of suicide? Is there anything in your personal life that is affecting your duty?
When Sabrina disappears, an airman in the U.S. Air Force is drawn into a web of suppositions, wild theories, and outright lies. He reports to work every night in a bare, sterile fortress that serves as no protection from a situation that threatens the sanity of Teddy, his childhood friend and the boyfriend of the missing woman. Sabrina’s grieving sister, Sandra, struggles to fill her days as she waits in purgatory. After a videotape surfaces, we see devastation shown through a cinematic lens, as true tragedy is distorted when fringe thinkers and conspiracy theorists begin to interpret events to fit their own narratives.
The follow-up to Nick Drnaso’s Beverly, winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, Sabrina depicts a modern world devoid of personal interaction and responsibility, where relationships are stripped of intimacy through glowing computer screens. Presenting an indictment of our modern state, Drnaso contemplates the dangers of a fake-news climate. Timely and articulate, Sabrina leaves you gutted, searching for meaning in the aftermath of disaster.
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某天,一個叫塞布麗娜的女孩突然失蹤。根據監控,她最後齣現在離她傢一個街區遠的地方——那是她下班路上,之後便再找不到其他綫索。 她的傢人和男友都陷入瞭精神崩潰,尤其是她男友特迪和妹妹桑德拉。 特迪離開瞭他們居住的伊利諾伊州,住到瞭他一個在國防部工作的高中同學凱...
評分《消失的塞布麗娜》帶讀者在陰鬱、沉悶的氣息中旁觀瞭一場悲劇之後的悲劇,領略瞭一幅虛假新聞泛濫、網絡暴力猖獗、人與人之間信任缺失、近乎魔幻的社會亂象圖景。而這種既非哀嘆,亦非斥責的冷靜筆觸和成熟敘述恰恰極具喚醒反思的力量。 何時起,悲劇背後的真相已不再重要,爭...
評分某天,一個叫塞布麗娜的女孩突然失蹤。根據監控,她最後齣現在離她傢一個街區遠的地方——那是她下班路上,之後便再找不到其他綫索。 她的傢人和男友都陷入瞭精神崩潰,尤其是她男友特迪和妹妹桑德拉。 特迪離開瞭他們居住的伊利諾伊州,住到瞭他一個在國防部工作的高中同學凱...
圖書標籤: 圖像小說 漫畫 2018布剋奬 美國 graphic_novel NickDrnaso 美國文學 歐美漫畫
評分Life just goes on.
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