Set against the backdrop of two neighboring Southern towns, "Sufficient Grace" is the powerful, affecting story of two families over the course of a year, from one Easter season to the next. One quiet spring day, Gracie Hollaman hears voices in her head that tell her to get in her car and leave her entire life behind -- her home, her husband, her daughter, her very identity. Gracie's subsequent journey releases her genius for painting and effects profound changes in the lives of everyone around her. A spellbinding work, "Sufficient Grace" explores the power of personal transformation and redemption, and the many ordinary and extraordinary ways they come to pass through faith, love, motherhood, art, even food. This poignant, poetic study of the human condition affirms the enduring importance of relationships and the strength we derive from them, even though we sometimes have to leave behind an old identity in order to discover our soul. Beautifully paced, filled with unforgettable characters, "Sufficient Grace" reveals the vital place that spirit and belonging have in every inner life -- and in the everyday world.
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