Black Rain is centered around the story of a young woman who was caught in the radioactive "black rain" that fell after the bombing of Hiroshima. lbuse bases his tale on real-life diaries and interviews with victims of the holocaust; the result is a book that is free from sentimentality yet manages to reveal the magnitude of the human suffering caused by the atom bomb. The life of Yasuko, on whom the black rain fell, is changed forever by periodic bouts of radiation sickness and the suspicion that her future children, too, may be affected.
lbuse tempers the horror of his subject with the gentle humor for which he is famous. His sensitivity to the complex web of emotions in a traditional community torn asunder by this historical event has made Black Rain one of the most acclaimed treatments of the Hiroshima story.
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圖書標籤: 井伏鱒二 humanities
用平靜的口吻訴說苦難,別有韻味。 這樣的書讓人意識到,戰爭戰爭,是每一寸肌膚的燃燒堆積的。 最震撼的不是地獄般的戰後景象,而是醫生日記裏對參軍日子的描述:平民被迫參軍,在軍隊中被虐待,就像一個"被兒子虐待的父親"。。。
評分用平靜的口吻訴說苦難,別有韻味。 這樣的書讓人意識到,戰爭戰爭,是每一寸肌膚的燃燒堆積的。 最震撼的不是地獄般的戰後景象,而是醫生日記裏對參軍日子的描述:平民被迫參軍,在軍隊中被虐待,就像一個"被兒子虐待的父親"。。。
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