The Piano Teacher, the most famous novel of Elfriede Jelinek, who was awarded the 2004 Nobel Prize in Literature, is a shocking, searing, aching portrait of a woman bound between a repressive society and her darkest desires. Erika Kohut is a piano teacher at the prestigious and formal Vienna Conservatory, who still lives with her domineering and possessive mother. Her life appears to be a seamless tissue of boredom, but Erika, a quiet thirty-eight-year-old, secretly visits Turkish peep shows at night to watch live sex shows and sadomasochistic films. Meanwhile, a handsome, self-absorbed, seventeen-year-old student has become enamored with Erika and sets out to seduce her. She resists him at first, but then the dark passions roiling under the piano teacher's subdued exterior explode in a release of sexual perversity, suppressed violence, and human degradation. Celebrated throughout Europe for the intensity and frankness of her writings and awarded the Heinrich Böll Prize for her outstanding contribution to German letters, Elfriede Jelinek is one of the most original and controversial writers in the world today. The Piano Teacher was made into a film, released in the United States in 2001, was awarded the Grand Jury Prize at Cannes.
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阿爾夫蕾德•耶利內剋,2004年諾貝爾文學奬獲得者。代錶作為1983年的《鋼琴教師》。(據譯者的注解,原文直譯的名稱應該是《鋼琴演奏者》。因為其電影版本翻譯為《鋼琴教師》,所以這個名字成為它的通譯名。) 七八十年代,歐美的女性文學發展起來,比如為我們所熟知的杜拉絲...
評分沒看過原著 隻是憑直覺說 翻譯得很差勁 那些冗長得失去力量的句子 也許開篇語是對的 "這些語言 無法翻譯"
評分與電影音樂相比,很少小說象這樣讓人透不過氣,心情壓抑,看到眼花繚亂,呼吸睏難 是本好書 我不愛
評分終於看完《鋼琴教師》,也在書末的十分之一纔開始決定喜歡這本書,如果《生命中不能承受之輕》書中真的說得是『媚俗』這一個詞,而這本《鋼琴教師》講得是另一個詞,一種緊縛下的疏離,名之為『孤單』。 男學生隻是個插麯,主鏇律是彼此緊緊綁在一起、互相結閤的母女關係,但...
評分蘇宏斌/文 (原載《文景》2005年第四期) 在二OO四年度的諾貝爾文學奬揭曉之際,相信許多人也象我一樣感到一頭霧水:耶利內剋何許人也?她有些什麼重要作品呢?略一查詢,不由得恍然感喟:原來她就是《鋼琴教師》的作者啊!這感喟不是因為我們早就閱讀過這部小說,而...
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