達倫·威廉姆斯(Darren Williams),澳大利亞著名作傢,曾獲得澳大利亞文學奬。《天使岩》是他費時八年的新作,當年手稿一齣爐就引起國際矚目。
After a week lost in the Australian outback, thirteen-year-old Tom Ferry makes his way back to Angel Rock. To the horror of everyone in the small town, he is alone. Exhausted and traumatized, he can't remember what happened to Flynn, his little brother. Shortly thereafter, another child of Angel Rock is found dead in Sydney, the apparent victim of suicide. But it is only with the arrival of Gibson, the investigating detective from Sydney, that the intertwining questions surrounding the fate of the two children, the silence of the townsfolk, and the mysteries of the land itself begin to unravel.
Angel Rock marks the American debut of the award-winning writer Darren Williams. By interlacing suspense with brilliantly rendered characters and evocative descriptions of the peculiar town they inhabit, he has created a novel that is immediately gripping and consistently suprising. It is a book that will be read long into the night.
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較少看懸疑推理類小說, 之前的《壞小孩》是近期讀過唯一類似的一本,如果硬要比較的話,《天使岩》在伏筆設置、情節安排、語言描繪等方麵更勝一籌,從而使故事更富有吸引。 以一個小孩的失蹤和一位少女的自殺為引,拉開故事的帷幕,因一位外來警探的堅持,逐漸挖掘...
評分 評分 評分故事在一個靜謐的小鎮徐徐展開:小鎮居民安靜祥和的平凡生活有條不紊的進行著,在某個下午卻齣其不意的因兩個孩子的失蹤而充滿瞭懸疑色彩,誰是幕後黑手?為瞭挖齣這個潛伏在天使岩的魔鬼,人們紛紛展露齣自己的本色。。。。。。應該說,這本書不同於一般的外國文學,也不...
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