A little boy named Thomas and his unusual sheep take a whirlwind trip around the world in this story. Anxious about his teacher's Great Geography Test tomorrow, Thomas has trouble sleeping. He tries and tries, but he just cannot fall asleep. In come the sheep to the rescue They help Thomas prepare for the big test by traveling to countries around the globe. Mischief follows this crazy crew as they see the world from A to Z, doing everything from acting in Australia to zigzagging through Zimbabwe in this alphabet book adventure. Thomas and his sheep take the reader on a world tour unlike any ever imagined. Children can learn geography, as well as the alphabet, while following the hilarious antics of these globe-trotters. Their journey is humorously depicted by illustrator Perry Board and the zaniness of this adventure is captured in his drawings.
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Thomas's Sheep and the Great Geography Test 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載