"Rikk-tikk-tikki-tikki-tchk!" A classic story from Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book, adapted and illustrated by award-winning artist Jerry Pinkney, this is the tale of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, a fearless young mongoose. Soon after a flood washes Rikki into the garden of an English family, he comes face-to-face with Nag and Nagaina, two giant cobras. The snakes are willing to attack Rikki, and even the human family who lives there, to claim the garden and house for themselves. But they do not count on the heart and pride of the brave little mongoose.
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圖書標籤: 隨手翻 我有的 幼兒園 stories little 111
看得我聖母心發作 又心疼又難過 以後再也不看和動物有關的書瞭
評分看得我聖母心發作 又心疼又難過 以後再也不看和動物有關的書瞭
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